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THEBANS. 580 THEBKS. to death after the battle of Platasa, V. 187 ; prisoners in the night-sur- prise at Platfsa, slaughter of, vi. 118 seq.; military column, depth of, vi. 386, 390; band of Three Hundred, vi. 387 ; exiles at Ath- ens, X. 61, 80 seq. Thehans and -^ginetans, i. 184 ; against the seven chiefs, i. 273 ; application of, to yEgina, for as- sistance against Athens, iv. 172; and Xerxes's invasion, v. 76 ; de- feated by the Athenians at Platsea, V. 179 ; night-surprise of Plataa by, B. c. 431, vi. 114 seq.; capture of, in the night-surprise of Plataea, vi. 116 seq. ; captured in the night- surprise of Platffia, slaughter of, vi. 118 seq. ; opposition of, to peace with Athens, b. c. 404, viii. 229 n. ; humiliation of Agesilaus by, ix. 256 ; application of, to Athens for aid against Sparta, b. C. 39.5, ix. 291 seq.; at the battle of Corinth, ix. 306 n. and Spartans at the battle of Koroncia, ix. 315; and the peace of Antalkidas, ix. 386 ; expulsion of the Laceda;monians from Boeotia by, b. c. 374, x. 135 ; invasion of Phokis by, b. C. 374, x. 136 ; discouragement and victory of, at Leiiktra, x. 177 seq.; and al- lies, invasion of Laconia by, b. c. 370, X. 215 seq.; displeasure of, with Epaminondas, b. c. 367, x. 268 ; expeditions of, to Thessaly, to rescue Pulopidas,x. 283,303 seq. ; destruction of Orchomenus by, x 311 ; under Pammenes, expedition of, to Megalopolis, x. 359 ; extinc- tion of free cities in Boeotia by, xi. 201 ; exertions of, to raise a con- federacy against the Phokians, b C. 356, ix 251 ; Lokrians, and Thessalians war of, against the Phokians, b. c. 355, xi. 254 ; as- sistance under Pammenes sent by, to Artabazus, xi. 257, 299; assist- ance of, to Megalopolis against Sparta, b. C. 352-351, xi. 299 seq.; obtain money from the Persian king, B. C. 350-349, xi. 302 ; in- voke the aid of Philip to put down tlie Phokians, xi. 375; Philip de- clares his sym]iathy with, b. c.346, xi. 421 ; invited by Philip to assist in an attack upon Attica, b. c. 339, xi. 483 seq. ; and Atlienians, war of, against Philip in Phokis, xi. 493, 494 seq.; revolt of, against Alexander, xii. 29 seq. Ththe, xi. 204 seq. Thebes and Orcliomenos, i. 135; le gends of, i. 256 seq. ; how founded by Kadmus, i. 258; five principal families at, i. 259 ; foundation of by Amphion, i. 263 ; poems on the sieges of, i. 266 ; sieges of, i. 269 seq.; the seven chiefs against, i. 273 seq. ; repulse of the seven chiefs against, i. 274 seq. ; the seven chiefs against death of all but Ad- rastns, i. 276 ; the seven chiefs against, burial of the fallen, i. 277 ; second siege of, i. 279, 280 ; early legislatJion of, ii. 297; and Flataea, disputes between, iv. 166 ; sum- moned to give up its leaders aftc^r the battle of PIata>a, v. 186; dis- credit of, for its Meclism, v. 314 ; supremacy of, in Boeotia restored by Sparta, v. 314, 327 ; mastery of Athens over, b. c. 456, v. 331 ; rein- forcements from, in support of the night-surprise at Plataea, vi. 114 seq. ; hard treatment of Thespiaa by, B. c. 423, vi. 452 ; altered feel- ing of, after the capture of Athens by Lysander, viii. 259, 264, 275; and Sparta, war between, b. c. 395, ix. 289 seq. ; revolt of Orcho- menos from, to Sparta, ix. 293 ; al- liance of, with Athens, Corintii, and Argos, against Sparta, ix. 301 : increased importance of, b. C. 395, ix. 301 ; alarm at, and propo- sals of peace from, on the Laceda- monian capture of the Long Walls at Corinth, ix. 341 ; envoys from, to Agesilaus, ix. 347, 352 ; and the peace of Antalkidas, x. 12; pro- ceedings of Sparta against, after the peace of Antalkidas, x. 28 seq. ; seizure of the Kodmeia at, by Plicc- bidas, X 58 seq ; government of, B. C. 382, X. 59 ??. 1 ; under Leontia- des and other philo-Laconian oli- garchs, X. 79 seq. ; conspiracy against the philo-Laconian olignr- ciiy at, X. 81 seq.; alliance of, Aviiti Athens, b. c. 378, x 102 ; state of after the revolution of, b c. 370, >.