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52 HISTORY OF GREECE. denounce the Germans in the service of Russia as traitors who had forfeited the allegiance -which they owed to him. We find him drawing the same pointed distinction between the Russian and the German prisoners taken, as Alexander made betwsen Asiatic and Grecian prisoners. These Grecian prisoners the Macedonian prince reproached as guilty of treason against the proclaimed statute of collective Hellas, whereby he had been de- clared general, and the Persian king a public enemy, i Hellas, as a political aggregate, has now ceased to exist, except in so far as Alexander employs the name for his own purposes. Its component members are annexed as appendages, doubtless of considerable value, to the Macedonian kingdom. Fourteen years before Alexander's accession, Demosthenes, while instigat- ing the Athenians to uphold Olynthus against Philip, had told them^ — " The Macedonian power, considered as an appendage, ' Arrian, i. 16, 10 ; i. 29, 9, about the Grecian prisoners taken at the vic- tory of the Granikus — baov^ 6e avruv alxftiXurovc D.ajSs, ruvrovc de di/aac iv -edaiCi £tg MaKEdoi'iav u-JTSTrefiiltev kpyui^ea&at, on napu tu aoivy So^avra Totg E/iTiT/aiv, 'FM.tjvcc ovre^, kvuvria rrj 'EAAdJi VTcep tuv [iap(iupuv e/iu- XnvTo. Also iii. 23, 15, about the Grecian soldiers serving with the Per- sians, and made prisoners in Hyrkania — ^A^lkeIv yap fiiya'ka (said Alex- ander) Tovg crrpaTEVOLtevn'g ivuvria rij 'E/.Aaoi rrapu toIc pap;3upoL^ rrapd -u doyfiara TcJv 'E/./.?/i'ui'. Toward the end of October 1812, near Moscow, General Winzingeroae, a German officer in the Russian service, — with his aide-de-camp a native Russian, Narishkin, — became prisoner of the French. He was brought to Napoleon — "At the sight of that German general, all the secret resent- ments of Napoleon took fire. ' Who are you (he exclaimed) ? a man with- out a country ! When I was at war with the Austrians, I found you in their ranks. Austria has become my ally, and you have entered into the Russian service. You have been one of the warmest instigators of the pre- sent war. Nevertheless, you are a native of the Confederation of the Rhine: you are my subject. You are not an ordinary enemy : you are a rebel : I have a right to bring you to trial. Gens d'armes, seize this man ! ' Then addressing the aide-de-camp of Wlnzingerode, Napoleon said, ' As for you. Count Narishkin, I have nothing to reproach you with: you are a Russian, you are doing your duty.'" (Segur's account of the Campaign in Russia, book ix. ch. vi. p. 132 ) Napoleon did not realize these threats against Wlnzingerode ; but his language expresses just the same sentiment as that of Alexander towards the captive Greeks. • Dcraosth. Olyn'h. ii p. 14 'OAug uhv yap if HaKedovm^ dvvaftig Koi