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248 THE FIRST ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY and formal articles of agreement between Captain Way- mouth and the company fill several pages. He is to pass through the Fretum Davies to the northwest to the " Kingdoms of Cataya or China/' and not to desist from his course " so long as he shall find those seas or any part thereof navigable." This indenture was made in April, 1602. The object of the expedition was, by means of a shorter northern route, to avoid " the long and tedious course " round the Cape of Good Hope, and the " many kinds of dangers offered therein." It was also thought that a less export of treasure from the realm would be required in trading with the nations of north Asia. A journal of the voyage was to be kept and a day-book of barters with the natives. Observations or discov- eries were to be faithfully disclosed by Waymouth on his return to the governor, deputy governor, and com- mittee-men of the company, and kept secret from all else. By another agreement, " John Cartwright of London, Preacher," was appointed chaplain to the expe- dition at 3 a month, only half of which was to be paid him unless one of the ships returned home by way of China. Armed with a letter from Queen Elizabeth to the Emperor of China and Cathay, the expedition went forth and returned unsuccessful. Its failure was ascribed to the faint-hearted exhortations of Preacher Cartwright, and the directors demanded back from him " the gowne and apparell " in which he was to have figured at the Chinese court. The company also