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262 APPENDIX that had been battered and destroyed. During his inspec- tion he saw the large mortars, which had been despatched with a powerful fleet and army by Sultan Sulaiman, the Turkish emperor, to assist in capturing the harbours of Gujarat, and had been left on the seashore, covered with rust, because Sulaiman Aga, the admiral, had abandoned the enterprise through meeting with some THE FORT OF SUEAT. obstacle. There they remained, until Khudawand Khan, the vizir, had them carried into the fort of Surat, at the time it was building. The few which remained had been taken to Junagarh by the governor. The king inspected them, and gave orders that some of them, which were not wanted there, should be sent to Agra. The reason assigned for Khudawand Khan's build- ing the fort of Surat is that the Firingis used to oppress the Mussulmans in every kind of manner, devastating the country and tormenting God's servants. At the time of laying the foundations of the fort, they tried