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CHRISTIAN PADRES AT AKBAR'S COURT 269 ficial which we select with clear judgment. To repeat the words of the Creed, to perform circumcision, or to lie prostrate on the ground from dread of kingly power, can avail nothing in the sight of God: " ' Obedience is not in prostration on the earth : Practise sincerity, for righteousness is not borne upon the brow.' " y Of a somewhat similar character is a reference in the thirty-fifth year of Akbar's reign, 1591 A. D., to the coming of a friar to the court. The spelling of the priest's name in the Arabic characters of the original text seems to be " Farmaliun," but they may be read in several other ways. [Elliot, vol. v, p. 85.] ' At this time i. e. 1591 A. D.], Padre Farmaliun ( T) arrived at the imperial court from Goa, and was received with much distinction. He was a man of much learning and eloquence. A few intelligent young men were placed under him for instruction, so that provision might be made for securing translations of Greek books and of extending knowledge. With him came a number of Europeans and Armenians, who brought silks of China and goods of other countries which were deemed worthy of his Majesty's inspection.' The account given by Badauni of the Christian mis- sionaries at Akbar's court has been mentioned in the two preceding volumes of the present series (iv. 41; v. 284), but is here repeated in full because of its inter- est in connection with the preceding statements. [Elliot, vol. v, pp. 528 - 529.] ' In 986 A. H. (1578 A. D.) the missionaries of Europe, who are termed Padres, and