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282 APPENDIX and tamped, and on the fourteenth of Rabi'-al-awwal, 1042 A. H. (1632 A. D.), the besiegers' forces were drawn up in front of this building to lure the enemy in that di- rection. .When a large number were assembled, a heavy fire was opened and the mine was ignited. The build- ing was blown up and many Europeans who had col- lected around it were sent flying into the air. The war- riors of Islam then rushed to the assault, whereupon THE STYLE OP VESSEL CALLED GHRAB. some of the infidels were drowned in the water, 1 but some thousands succeeded in making their way to the ships. At this juncture Khwaja Sher came up with the boats and killed many of the fugitives. Since these European foes of the Faith of Islam were afraid lest one large ship, which had nearly two thousand men and women and much property on board, might fall into the hands of the Mohammedans, they fired the magazine and blew her up. Many others who were on board the ghrabs, or smaller vessels, set fire i The original says, " found their way to hell by the water."