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294 APPENDIX prevented the sailing of the Palnadi vessels. About the same time, during the reign of Burhan Nizam Shah, the Christians built a fort at Rivadanda, near the port of Chaul (Kolaba, Bombay), and took up their resi- dence there. In the reign of Sultan Bahadur Shah of Gujarat, 941 A. H. (1534 A. D.), they took possession of the ports of Swalh, Daman, and Diu, which belonged to the kings of Gujarat, and in the year 943 A. H. (1536 KOLABA POINT, BOMBAY. A. D.) they fully established themselves at Cranganore by force of arms. At this time Sultan Salim of Rum determined to expel the Firingis from the ports of India and make himself master of them. With this view, in the year 944 A. H. (1537 A. D.), he despatched his minister, Sulai- man Badshah, in command of one hundred vessels, and he, having wrested the port of Aden from Shaikh Amr, son of Shaikh Daud, whom he put to death, sailed to the port of Diu and there made preparations for war. He was nearly victorious, but, for want of provisions and money, he had to return unsuccessful to Rum. In the year 963 A. H. (1556 A. D.) the Tarsas (Chris- tians) were in possession of the ports of Ormuz, Mus- cat, Sumatra, Malacca, Mangalore, Negapatam, Barce- lore, Ceylon, and Bengal, to the very borders of China.