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INDEX Abd-al-Hamid, extract from Padshah Namah of, regarding Kasim Khan's siege of Hugli, 277-283 Extract from Padshah Namah of, re- garding Shah Jahan's anti-Christian measures, 283-284 Abraham and his descendants, settle- ments of, in Asia Minor and Egypt, 4 Abulfeda on the importance of Malacca, 29 Abu Zaid of Ziraf, historian, quoted, 79 Abyssinia, early Christianity in, 60, 61 The Portuguese travellers Covilham and Paiva reach, 60, 61 The country of Prester John, 61 Albuquerque's project to turn the Nile through the mountains of, 103, 104 Holy Relics from, 108 Acre, ancient trade-route through, 2 Egyptian merchant fleets sailed around, 23 Aden, its command of the Red Sea route, 104, 109, 124-126, 146-147, 168 Blockaded and besieged by the Portu- guese, 104, 109, 124, 125-126, 140, 141, 146-147, 152 Occasional submission of, to Portugal, 125 Sultan of Cairo attempts to take, 125 Captured by the Turks under Soly- man (1538), 125 Passes again to the Arabs (1630), 126 Adil Khan attacks Goa, 143 Adil Shah, Yusuf, king of Bijapur and Goa, 132-133 Affonso IV of Portugal, 40 Affonso V (the African) of Portugal, 55 Afghan sovereignty in Northern India, decay of, 82 Africa, early circumnavigation of, 47-49 Agnello, Italian assayer, 184 Aguazil (administrator), Timoja ap- pointed chief, in Goa, 133 Ailly, D', Cardinal Pierre, Imago Mundi of, quoted, 58 Akaba, Gulf of, Solomon's harbours on the shores of the, 7 Akbar the Great, founder of the Moghul Empire (1556-1605 A. D.), accession of, 83 Fitch visits the court of, 212 Campaign of, in Surat, 261 Europeans at court of, 263-270 Partab Bar and Barsuba at court of, 265 Farmaliun at court of, 269 Christian missionaries at court of, 269- 270 Albergaria, Soarez de, see Soarez Albuquerque, Affonso de (Affonso d' Alboquerque), second governor of Portuguese India (1509-15), 98, 102- 106, 107-108 Policy of, in India and the East, 77, 89-91, 92-93, 103-108, 113-116, 126- 127 Hatred of, for the Mussulmans, 81, 99- 100, 103-105, 108, 118-120 Project of, for ransoming the Temple of Jerusalem by carrying off the body of Mohammed from Mecca, 81, 104 Protects native Christians in India, 89- 91 Zeal of, for Christianity, 89-91, 99-100, 108, 118-119, 162 First expedition of, to India, 89-91 Erects fort at Cochin and factory at Quilon, 90, 115 Second expedition of, to India by way of the Red Sea, 98 Takes Socotra (1507), 99 Protects native Christians in Socotra, 99-100 Treaty of, with Ormuz and control of the' Persian Gulf, 100 307