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316 INDEX trade through Russia (1557), 181- 182 Jerusalem commands the Syrian trade- route, 5, 8, 12 Relation of, to the crusading com- merce, 95-96 Jews exterminated by the new ruler of Calicut, 293 Jode, de, Flemish engraver, 200 John, Don, of Austria, persecutes Protes- tants in the Netherlands (1578), 208 John 1 (The Great), of Portugal, and his English alliance, 39-42 John II, of Portugal, his trade policy and encouragement of exploration, 57-63 Death of, 67-68 John III, of Portugal, Portuguese con- quests and policy in India under, 139-175 John XXII, Pope, complains of Mongol persecution of Christians in Sol- daia (1323), 18 Jordan Valley, commercial products of the, 6 Joseph, sale of, 4 Julius II, Pope, Bull of (1506), 64 Juvenal, quoted, 139 K Kaffa, ancient trade emporium, 16, 19 Kalikot, see Calicut Kane, Indo-Egyptian trade-route byway of, 23 Kasim, naval expedition of, against Sind (711), 28-29 Kasim Khan, governor of Bengal, be- sieges the Christians in Hugli, 277, 279-283 Kathiawar, Portuguese naval control of, 147 Kerala, kingdom of, 76-77 Khosru Parviz, Sasanian king, 15 Khwaja Sher, assists in Shah Jahan's expedition against the Christians at Hugli, 280 Kills many Christian fugitives at Hugli, 282 Knight, John, Northwestern expedition of (1606), 251 Knights Hospitallers, 13, 31 Knights Templars, 54 Kodungalur, see Cranganore Kola, Dutch trade at (1565), 197-19S Dutch factory at, 197-198 Koli-Kukkuga (Calicut), 76 Kosair, 21 Kura (Cyrus) river, 14 Kuriyat, Portuguese bombardment of (1507), 100 Laccadives, Portuguese treaties with, 127-128 Lafoden Islands, 180 Lancaster, James, surviving captain of first English expedition to India by the Cape route (1591-1594), 193- 194, 213-214 Latini, Brunetto, visits Roger Bacon and discusses the compass, 53 Laurentian, or Medicean, portulan, four- teenth-century chart, 47, 49, 50, 199 Laws and By-laws, 244-245 Leo X, Pope, Bull of (1514), 64 Lepanto, battles of, Turks defeat Vene- tians in (1499), 32 Turks defeated at (1571), 111 Letters, of Queen Elizabeth to Eastern potentates, 248 Of James I, 246 Levant, ancient trade-route to the, 1-14 Turkish command of the route to the, 32-35 Venetian trade in the, 35, 168 English trade in the, 183, 197, 205, 221, 222 Licenses, granted to Venetians to trade with Portuguese in London (1507), 203 Portuguese, for trade granted to the Fuggers of Augsburg, 216-217 Granted by the Portuguese in India to native traders, 161 Of Elizabeth for Lancaster's voyage (1591), 193 Power of the English East India Company to grant, for trade in the East, 231, 253 Linschoten, John Huyghen van, influ- ence of, on Dutch and English ex- ploration, 210-213 Travels of, 210-215 Lisbon, trade emporium of Eastern com- merce, 35 Indian department at, 161, 162, 164, 218 Commerce of, 201-203 English prisoners at, 255 Lloyds, 236, 256 Lok, Michael finances Frobisher's voy- ages, and is ruined, 182-183, 186-187 London, Hanseatic trade quarrel in (1547), 178-179 Merchant Adventurers of (1551-1553), 179 Trad' 1 of, in Eastern commodities with Antwerp (1550-1560), 203