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INDEX 323 Trade in, Portuguese royal monopoly of, 123, 154 Trade in, royal monopoly of, sold to a company (1587), 161-162 Spices, Portugal exchanges silver, woollen fabrics, etc., for, 151 Portugal allows her sailors and officers to bring home, privately, 154 Venice offers to buy up all surplus Portuguese (1521), 168 Antwerp supplies England with (1560), 203 Dutch raise price of, against the Eng- lish (1599), 221 English traders in India bid against each other for, 257 Spice Islands (Moluccas), Albuquerque establishes Portuguese trade with the (1509-1515), 105-106, 126 Spanish ships reach the (1521), 131 Portuguese claim to the, 169 Spanish claim to the, sold to Portugal (1529), 170, 173 Portuguese trade and monopoly in, 170-172, 176 Drake visits the (1578), 187 Fenton sets out for the (1582), 188-189 England claims free trade with the (1599), 226 Spitzbergen, Dutch under Barents reach (1596), 199 Staper, Richard, a founder of the Levant and East India Companies, 222, 229, 231 Staten Island, Barents reaches (1595), 198 Stephens, Thomas, a Jesuit at Goa(1579), said to have been the earliest English resident in India, 211 St. Helena, island, 189 Strabo, quoted, 10 Suez, Gulf of, early navigation of, and trade by way of, 7, 21-22 Sumatra, derivation of name, 27 Becomes subject to Portugal (1511), 148-149 English claim the right of trade with (1599), 226 Fort of, captured from Christians by AH Hai, 295 Sunda, island, Portuguese treaty with (1532), 127 Surat, fort of, rebuilt, 261-263 Syria, Eastern trade-route through, 1-3, 4, 9, 11-16, 19, 167, 208 Tadmor, 2 Talikot, battle of, and overthrow of the Vijayanagar kingdom (1564), 82 Tartar Khan, embassy of Louis IX to the, on the Black Sea (1253), 36 Tartars, Franciscan friars sent by Pope Clement IV to the, in Persia (1245), 36 Tartary, Cathay or Cataya, a name ap- plied vaguely to, 175-176 Frobisher's expedition to reach (1577), 184-185 Thebes, ancient trade emporium, 21 Theodosia, ancient trade emporium, 16 Thorne, Master Robert, advocates the Northwest Passage (1527), 176 Thylde, Captain, western explorations of (1480), 173 Tidore, one of the Moluccas made over to Portugal by Spain (1529), 127 Becomes a source of tribute to Spain, which tribute was paid in cloves, 127 Spanish-Portuguese claim to, ac- knowledged by England (1599), 227 Timoja, famous corsair in the East, as- sists the Portuguese in the taking of Goa (1510), 116, 132 Is largely rewarded, 133 Dies opportunely for the Portuguese (1511), 134 Timur (Tamerlane), drives the Knights Hospitallers from Smyrna to Rhodes (1403), 13 Defeats Turks at Angora (1402), 37 Castilian embassy to (1402), 37 Invasion of India by (1398-1399), 82 Torbay, first voyage of East India Com- pany sails from (1601), 246 Tordesillas, treaty of (1494), between Spain and Portugal, and Papal divi- sion of the new world, 61-67, 197 Toscanelli, Florentine astronomer, letter and chart of, quoted, 58 Trade affected by the Crusades, 12 Early, at Malabar, 23, 24, 29, 75, 81 Early, at Ceylon, 24-27, 29, 78 Early, at Malacca, 27, 29, 78 Northern European, 34-35, 172-216, 220-221 Of Ceuta, 43-44 Papal influence on maritime discovery and, in fifteenth and sixteenth cen- turies, 59, 63-66, 85, 95, 116-117, 167- 168, 173 Profits accruing to Portuguese sea- captains from private, 153 Ships' crews allowed to indulgejn a small way, in private, 154-155 Private, from port to port defies all control, 155-156 Private, ruins the royal trade, 155-157 Private, a source of political weakness, 157