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298 INDEX Aracan, pirates of, threaten the sea- coast of the Moghul Empire, 205 Armada of 1588, 45 Armagon, English seek refuge at, but return to Masulipatam, 225, 227-228 Position of, 227 Was the first fortified English garrison in India, 227 Athaide, Luis de, Portuguese viceroy, 36 Aurangzib seizes the throne of the Moghul Empire, 287 Autos da ft in India, 42 Azevedo, Jeronimo de, Portuguese com- mander of fleet sent against the Eng- lish in 1615, 47 B Balasor, Cartwright founds a factory at, 240 English vessel Swan sent to Cart- wright at, 240 Made port of trans-shipment by the English, 242 Banda (Lantor), English treaty with island of, in 1614, 84 Dutch allow the English one-third of the trade of, 93 Position of, 96 English acquisition of, and expulsion from, 113 Bantam, Dutch attacked by Michelborne at, 8, 9 Gradually becomes a dependency of Holland, 70 Early compacts of separate expedi- tions with the raja of, 70 Raja of, rejoices in union with Eng- land, 77 Blockade of, 106, 110, 111 English alliance with, against Dutch, 110 English desire to remove from Batavia to, 110 English factory transferred to, 153 Subsequent experiences of English at, 153-154 Declared commercially subordinate to Surat, 206 Company's trade at, suspended during Anglo-Dutch war, 260 Factories in, turned over to the Joint Stock, 287 Barneveldt, project of, for a United Dutch-English Company, 82 Offers three alternatives to the Eng- lish, 82-83 Batavia, Java, capital of the Dutch East Indies, 65 Dutch fortifications at, 110 English attack on the Dutch at, 110 English hardships at, 111-113 English in despair desire to withdraw from, 111, 113 English position at, after Amboyna tragedy, 151-154 English withdraw from, to Lagundy, but are forced to return, 152 Bengal, different conditions prevailing in, from those encountered by Eng- lish in colonization of other parts of India, 233-234 Story of English settlement in, 234 East India Company sends com- mission to re-establish trade in, 246- 247 One of the five important seats of the East India Company's trade, 247 Madras Council resolves to withdraw factories from, 287 Two descendants of Cromwell became governors of, 291 Bay of, factories in dependencies on the, turned over to the Joint Stock Company, 287 Best defeats Portuguese off Swally, 25-27 Anchors at Moha Bay, 28 Aids Moghul troops in besieging a pirate fort, 28 Defeats the Portuguese off Swally in two further encounters, 28 Fatalities of, in battle off Swally, 28-29 Reopens communication with Eng- lish factors at Surat, 28 Establishes four factories at Surat and around the Gulf of Cambay, 29 And governor of Surat, terms of treaty between, 29-30 Routs Portuguese squadron com- manding approach to Surat, 195 Bombay coast, factories in dependencies on the, turned over to the Joint Stock Company, 286 Both, Pieter, first governor-general of the Dutch East Indies, 64, 78 Admiral of the Brabant Company's expedition in 1599-1601, 78 Nominated to take charge of Dutch factories, 78 Arrival of, at Bantam, in 1611, 79 Lays foundations of new national power in the Eastern Archipelago, 79 Death of, 79 Boughton, Gabriel, obtains license for free trade by English in Bengal, 245 Braganza, Constantino de, conquered Daman, 36 Bruyne, Isaac de, Dutch fiscal, vindic- tive prosecution of English at Amboyna by, 150