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INDEX Abd-ar-Rahman becomes Amir of Afghanistan under British pro- tection, 443-444 Acts, two, passed by Parliament in 1773, 229 Aden, an important trade centre, 2 British protectorate of, 474 Afghan War, first, 441 Second, 442-444 Afghanistan, first English campaign in, 401 Delimitation of, 445 Political importance of, to Great Britain, 445-446 Russian intrigues against, 439 British protectorate, 481 Why necessarily protected by Eng- land, 482-483 Ahmad Shah Abdali, Afghan leader, 170 Seizes the Panjab, 77 Invades Northern India, 192, 194 Contest of, with the Sikhs, 269 Death of, 269 Aix-la-Chapelle, Peace of, and the res- toration of Madrid, 107 Alexander Borgia, Pope, Bull of, divid- ing the undiscovered non-Christian world, 5 Alexandria an important trade centre for nearly eighteen centuries, 1 Aligarh captured by the English, 327 Ali Vardi Khan, Nawab of Bengal, 164 Death of, in 1656, 164 Aliwal, battle of, 413 Amboyna massacre, 22 America, effect of the discovery of, on commerce, 4-5 Amherst, Lord, Governor-General of India, 389 Amiens, Peace of, 319, 324 Amir Khan besieges Jaipur, 378 Disbands his army, 380 Anglo-Dutch alliance to drive the Spanish and Portuguese from the coast of India, 13 Joint Stock Company, proposal for a, rejected, 13 Treaty of 1619, 22 War in India in 1651-1654, 29 Alliance against Spain and Portugal in the beginning of the seventeenth century, 33 Alliance against France in 1678, 38 Anglo-French alliance against Holland in 1672, 37, 38 War on the Coromandel coast, 104 Rupture in 1756 regarding the Ameri- can Colonies, 106 Anglo-Portuguese alliance negotiated, 31 Anglo-Russian coalition against France, 355 Anglo-Spanish war of 1739, effect of, on France, 103 Arakan, annexation of, 390 Argaum, battle of, 327 Arkot (Arcot) seized by dive, 119-120 Armenia, position of, historically analo- gous with that of modern Afghan- istan, 483 Arras, battle at, 245 Asaf Jah, the first Nizam, death of, 115 Asia, competition for the trade of the southeastern countries of, 1 Political situation in, at the present time, 450 Powerless to resist European expan- sion, 496 Assam, kingdom of, 387-388 Assaye, battle of, 327 Auckland, Lord, Governor-General of India, 392 Augustine, St., on the expansion of em- pires, 495 Aurangzib, Emperor, accession of, 30 Wars of, in Southern India, 48-49 Compared with Louis XIV, 52-53 Death of, in 1707, 75 Civil war breaks out on the death of, 75-76 501