Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/622

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INDEX. Boro-Budur, Java, ii. 374, 383, 386, 391, 416, 417; erection, 420, 422; plan, elevation, and section, 423 ; sections of domes, 424 ; view of central entrance and stairs, 429 Bot, in Siam, the temple proper, ii. 406, 407, 409 Bracket construction in China and Japan, ii. 454, 495 Brahma faces on Cambodian temples, ii. 378, 392, 397, 398, 401, 408 Brahman caste, i. 1 1 Brahmanical rock-temples, ii. 120 Brahmanism, i. 308 Brindaban, ii. 155 ; plan of Govinda- deva temple at, 156; view, 157; balcony in temple, 158 ; Plan of temple of Jugal Kishor at, 158, 176 Buchhanapalli temple, i. 435 ; view of, 436 Buddha, i. 9 ; period of his life, 16, 17 ; previous Buddhas, 41 ; apportionment of his remains, 62-64 ; Relic at Bintenne, 63, 64; Images of, 221, 222; Foot- prints, 223 ; Colossal figures of, 245 and note, 26T ) note ) 272 note ; Nirvana figures, 248 ; his tooth, its sanctity, shrines, and migrations, 63, 64 ; his begging pot, 64, 65 ; Relics at Rangoon, 63, ii. 347 ; Previous Buddhas, i. 41, 63, ii- 347 Buddhaghosha, monk, i. 162 Buddhavarsha era, or of the religion, ii. 359 note Buddhism, its founder, i. 16, 17 ; its history, 17-20; missions, 19, 41, 52, ii- 357 > i n Southern India, 307 ; in Cambodia, ii. 375 Buddhist architecture, earliest traceable date, i. 51 ; style, 53; monuments in Southern India, 33 ; Classification, 54 ; rail patterns, 136, 146; Buddhist rail in Ceylon, 242 ; Monasteries in Tibet, 293 ; Vihara at Dambal, 431, 432 ; Temples in China, ii. 461-464 ; Monas- tery in Pekin, 462. See Architecture Bukhara, ii. 187, 196 Bumazu temple, Kashmir, i. 268, 272 note Bundi palace, ii. 173 Buni&r or Bhaniy&r temple, i. 266 Bu-paya, pagoda at Pagan, ii. 341 Burma, architecture in, ii. 339 ; Chaityas and circular pagodas, 341 ; Square temples, 352 ; That6n or Thahtun, 357 ; Prome, 359; Pagan, 360; Monasteries, 365-369' Byzantine domes, i. 316 CAMBAY or Kambhlt, Jami' Masjid and tomb at, ii. 241 Cambodia (ancient Kambuja), relations with Ceylon, i. 246 ; Architecture in, ii. 371 ; French, German and English researches in, 372; traditions, immi- grants, history, 373*375; Temples, 376; temple of Angkor Vat, 380; temple of Bayon, 392 ; temple of Beng Mealea, 394 ; other temples, 396 ; Pyramid temples, 398; palaces, 399; Civil architecture, 40 1 ; Causeways, 402 ; remarkable evidences of mechanical skill and civilisation, 402, 403 Canton, P'ai-lu near, ii. 473 river, 'Second Bar Pagoda' on the, ii. 470 Capitals and columns, Tirhut and Sankisa, i. 58; Karl8, 60; BedsS, 139; Kan- heri, 164; BMja, 178; Msik, 188; Patna, 207 ; AjantS, 208 ; Jam^lgarhi, 214; Perso-Indian, 215; AnurSdha- pura, 235, 236 ; Kashmir, 257 ; Hindu- Corinthian, 299 ; Gupta, 301 Caves, i. 20, 125 ; numbers, 128 ; geo- graphical distribution, 129; AjantS, 148, 154, 180; Badami, ii. 121, 127; Bagh, i. 182, 197; Barabar, 130; Bedsa, 138; Bengal, 175-177; Bihar, 130; Bhaja, 134-137; Dhamnar, 164, 179, 200; ElurS, 159, 201, 342, ii. 19, 120; Guntupalle, i. 128, 155, 167 ; Junagadh, 181, ii. 31 ; Junnar, 155, 1 68 ; Kalugumalai, 22 ; Kanheri, i. 162, 176, 182 ; Karh^d, ii. 124 ; Karle, i. 142, 161 ; Kholvi, 129, 166, 200; Kondane, 134, 148, 179; Kon- clivte, 131, 199; Orissa, ii. 9; Pital- khora, i. 134, 137, 148, 169 ; Sana and Talaja, 179; Mode of ornamentation, 170 Cenotaphs, ii. 164-169 Ceylon, Buddhist relics in, i. 63 ; Chronology, 224 ; Its ancient archi- tecture, 226-250. See Anuradhapura Chaityas, i. 55 ; Chaitya halls, Buddhist temples, 124-129; at Sanchi, 126; at Ter, 126 ; at Chezarla, 127 ; windows, 216, 217 ; Nepal, 277 ; Burma, ii. 341. See Caves Chaitydngana or pradakshina, i. 295 Chakdarra, Stupa at, i. 93, 217 note Chakpat stupa, i. 91, 92, 97 Chalis Situn at Allahabad, ii. 298 Chalukya, Western dynasty, i. 26, 27, 34 ; architecture, 420-450 ; kingdom, ii. 22. See Architecture Chamba, wooden temples in, i. 286, 287 Ch&mpiinir Jiami' Masjid, ii. 242 Champa'de.ra, Annam, ii. 373 note Champas of Cochin China, ii. 375 Chandragiri palace, i. 417, 418 Chandragupta Maurya (B.C. 320-286), Sandrokottos of the Greeks, i. 8, 18, 109 Chandragupta I. (dr. A.D. 320), i. 23