Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/630

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INDEX. Muhammad Ghaus, tomb of, at Gwaliar, ii. 291 Muhammadan, population, i. 46, 48 ; Architecture, styles of, 188, 189 ; Qiblas in Jaina temples, ii. 28 ; Destruction of temples, ii. 87, 88, 321 Mukandwara, pillars at, ii. 55 ; Chawadi, remains of, 132 Mukhalingam, temples at, ii. 114 Mukhtagiri, Jaina temples at, ii. 45, 62, 64 Mukteswara temple of, at Bhuvane^war, ii. 97-98, 105 Mulot, in the Salt range, temple at, i. 270 Mycenae, tomb at, i. 265 ; Treasury, 312-313, 325 Mylassa, tomb at, i. 313, 314, 11. 167 Mysore, Hindu temples, i. 437-450 ; Architecture, ii. 190, 323 Mythology of the Hindus, i. 35, 38-45 NAGA, people, i. fi, 43, ucT; Snake divinities, 4^, 4^, 64, 122, 180, ii. H2, io4; In Ceylon, i. 227, 242, 247; Kashmir, 272; Naga-raja, 156, 341, 3555 Nagas associated with Buddha and Vishnu, ii. 197 ; In Cambodia, 37V38&, 39^, 397, 40i 5 Java, 444 Nagarahara stupa, i. 90 note Nagarakatakam, ancient capital, ii. 114 Nagarangana Vihara, i. 235 Nagarjuna, Buddhist reformer, i. 23, 87, 173 Nagarjuni, hill and caves in Bihar, i. 132, 177 Nagay6n temple, near Pagan, ii. 354, Nagda (Nagahrad), temples at, ii. 148 Nagoya, Japan, soldiers' barracks at, ii. 500 Nahapina, king, i. 158; Cave at Nasik, 164, 185-186; Pillar in, 185 Nakhon Thorn (the Great City) Cambodia, ii. 380 ; Nakhon Vat, 382. See Angkor Thorn and Angkor Vat Nalanda, Buddhist monastery, i. 170 note, 173-174, 293 Nander, Sikh Dehra at, ii. 163 Nanduvara-dwipa temple at .Satrunjaya, ii. 29 Nan-Gungi, colossal statue, ii. 55, 72 Nan-kau pass, archway in, near the Great Wall of China, i. 282, ii. 483- 484 Nankin, porcelain tower at, 11. 469-470 Nan Paya temple, ii. 354-355, 3^3 Narasingh I., king of Orissa, ii. 105-106 Nasik, Buddhist caves, i. 14, 22 ; Chaitya cave at, 140-142; 148, 150, 155, 156, 184 ; Viharas, 158, 159, 180, 183-188, 193 ; Capital, 421 Nata-mandir, or dancing hall, a Sabha- mandap, at Bhuvanejwar, ii. 93, 99, 102, 103, 109 Nathlaung-gyaung temple, ii. 353 Nathukottai Chettis, their injuries to temples, i. 376, 380 Navagraha sculpture at Kanarak, ii. 95, Nayyak dynasty at Madura, i. 386 Nayyars of Malabar, i. 276 note Negapattam, Buddhist tower at, i. 33 note, 206-207, 307, 308 Nemmath temple, on Girnar, i. 262, ii. 3 2 -33 Nepal, i. 273 ; Its architecture, 274-275 ; History, 275-277 ; Stiipas or chaityas, 277 ; Kosthakar, 280 ; Temples, 280- 285, ii. 369 ; Imagined connection with Kanara, i. 286, ii. 76-77, 83 Ngakwe Nadaung-paya in Myingyan province, ii. 342 Nigliva Lat, i. 59 Nikko, entrance gateway of temple, ii. 489, 496 ; Mausoleum of leyasu, 497 ; temple at, 499 Ning-po, seven-storeyed tower at, ii. 469 Nirvana of Buddha, i. 62 ; date of, 224 Nishi Hongwanji temple, Japan, ii. 493 Nissanka-Malla, Sinhalese king (1187- 1196 A.D.), i. 246, 247, 248 Nur Jahan, her tomb, ii. 305 Nyagrodha or Sudama, Bihar cave, i. 130 OBSERVATORY at Benares, ii. 177-178 Old Delhi, ruins at, ii. 2Opff. Orders, Classical, misapplied, ii. 324-329 Orissa, fragment of a column from a temple in, i. 301 ; Jaina caves, ii. 9 ; History, 94; Temples, 97-110, 116; Bridges, 113 Ornament, honeysuckle, at Allahabad, i. 57 ; From the tomb of Mahmud at Ghazni, ii. 193 Osia, temples at, ii. 56 Otantapuri Buddhist monastery, i. 293 and note Oudh, architecture in, ii. 190, 323-325 Oxenden's tomb at Surat, ii. 329-330 PADMANABHA, a name of Vishnu, ii. 137 Paestum, Doric order at, i. 256 Pagan, Burma, ruins of, ii. 355, 356, 359, 360; Ananda temple, 361; Thatpyinnyu, plan, 362 ; section, 363 ; Gaudaupalin, 363 ; and Tsulamani, 362 ; view, 364 Pagodas, Hindu, i. 322 ; Burmese payas, ii. 341 - 352 ; Siamese, 405 - 411 ; Chinese, 468-472, 474 ; Japanese, 497 P'ai-lus or P'ai- fangs, 'Honorary portals' of the Chinese, i. 105, 118, ii. 456, 472; Near Canton, 473; At