Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/635

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INDEX. Taj Mahall (continued} and section, 315 ; details, inlayings, etc., 316 Ta Keo, Cambodia, temple at, ii. 399 Takht-i-Bahai, monastery at, i. 210 ; plan of, 212 ; arches, 258 Takht-i-Sulaiman, Kashmir, old temple at, i. 254, 267 note, 272 ; ii. 154 Takshajila, Taxila, ancient capital in Panjab, i. ii, 86, 99, 217 Talaja Caves, Saur&ihtra, i. 179, 1 86 Tamani, pagoda at, ii. 344 Tamil race and cognate peoples, i. 32-33; 302 Tanjor, i. 206 ; great temple at, 307, 362 ; diagram plan of the Temple, 363 ; View, 364 ; Temple of Subrah- manya, 365 ; Court in the palace, 415, 416 Tantric images, i. 42 Ta Prohm, temple at, ii. 396, 400 Taramangalam, temple at, i. 407 Tashiding temple, Sikhim, i. 295 Tashi-lhun-po, cemetery at, i. 213 note ; monastery, 293 note, 294 Tatta, tomb of Nawab Sharfa Khan near, ii. 281 Titv^-gumpha caves, Khandagiri, ii. 17, 18 Ta vernier, M. J. B., at Mathuri, ii. 321 note Taxila. See Takshajila Tee, Burmese Hti, finial of a Stupa, i. 66, 70 and note, 145, ii. 344, 346, 352, 364 Tejahpala's temple at Abu, ii. 36, 40 ; plan, 41 ; A dome, 42 Temples : Abu, ii. 36 ; Ahmadabad, 65 ; Aihole, i. 320, ii. 1 19 ; Ajmir, 68 ; Amritsar, 161 ; Ambarnath, 14; Amwa, 56 ; Avantipur, i. 264 ; Bangkok, ii. 410 ; Bakeng (Mount), 399 ; B^nkura, i. 15 ; Baroli, ii. 133 ; Belur, i. 437 ; Benares, ii. 151 ; Bhangarh, 55 ; Bhaniyar, i. 266 ; Bharaut, 159 ; Bhat- g&on, 280; Bhuvane^war, ii. 99; Boro- Budur, 420 ; Brindaban, 155 ; Cam- bodia, 380; Chandrivati, 132 ; Chinese, ii. 451 ; Chidambaram, i. 373 ; Chitor, 150; Colombo, 339; Conjivaram, 357 ; Delhi, ii. 66 ; Dieng plateau, 430 ; Gaudaupalin, 363 ; Girnar, 32, 34 ; Gwaliar, 137, 153 ; Gyan-tse, i. 294 ; Gyaraspur, ii. 54 ; Halebid, i. 442 ; Hanamkonda, 432 ; Hokujo, ii. 499 ; Ho-nan, 461 ; H6riuji, 486 ; Ike-gami, 491 ; Ittagi, i. 424 ; Jagan- nath, ii. 108 ; Java, 422 ; Kanarak, 93, 105 ; Kanauj, 68 ; Kintanagar, 159; Khajuraho, 49, 140 ; Kiragrima, 296 ; Madura, i. 391 ; Martand, 259 ; Mendut, ii. 428 ; Mudabidri, 75 ; Mukhalingam, 45 ; Mulct, i. 270 ; Mgda, ii. 148 ; Nepal, i. 280 ; Pagan, ii. 361 ; Pandrethan, i. 267 ; Patan, 283 ; Pattadakal, 321, 352, ii. 89, 117 ; Payer, i. 268; Pemiongchi, 296; Poona, ii. 130; Ramejvaram, i. 380; Ranpur, ii. 45; Somn&thpur, i. 437; SonSgarh, ii. 62 ; 5ravana Belgola, 74 ; 5rirangam, i. 368 ; Sri Sailam, 408 ; Suku, ii. 439 ; Tanjor, i. 362 ; Tashiding, 295 ; Tinnevelly, 392 ; Tiruvildr, 366 ; Udayapur, ii. 146 ; Vellor, i. 369 ; Vijayanagar, 401 Temples in Vedic times, ii. 88 Tennoji pagoda at Osaka, ii. 499 Ter, structural Chaitya at, i. 125, 319 Teshu Lama Erdeni, monuments to, i. 294, ii. 463 Thai Rukhan stupa, Sindh, i. 100 That6n or Thahttin, ii. 356, 357 ; pagoda at, 358; 364 Thatpyinnyu temple, at Pagan, ii. 354 ; plan, 362 ; section, 363 Thein, an ordination hall in Burma, ii. 356, 406 Thevadas, devatds, goddesses in Cam- bodia, ii. 389, 397, 398 Thitsawada, temple at, ii. 363 Thomson, Mr. J., his photographs of the great temple at Angkor Vat, ii. 372, 384, 385, 387-389 Thuparama, dagaba, Anuradhapura, i. 233; pillars, 235, 237; Temple at Polonnaruwa, 247 Tibet: exclusion of travellers, i. 290; Worship of tombs of the Grand Lamas, and number and character of its monasteries, 291 ; Potala, 292 ; Gyan- tse, 294 Tiger cave or Bagh-gumpha, Udayagiri, ii. 16 Tigowa, temple at, ii. 133 Timurlang, Tartar conqueror, 1369-1405, ii. 197, 229 Ting, type of temple in China, ii. 451, 461, 464, 488, 500 Tinnevelly, temple at, i. 392 ; Dimen- sions, details, etc., 394 Tirthankaras or Tirthakaras, Jaina saints, i. 41, ii. 4, 5, 12 Tirumalai Nayyak, i. 305 ; His chaultri, 386 ; Dimensions, cost and ornamenta- tion, 387 ; View in, 389 ; Raya gopuram, 390 Tirupati temples, i. 404 and note Tiruvallur, temple, Chingalpat district, i. 366 note Tiruvalur temple, Tanjor district, i. 366- 368, 374 note, 379 Tombs : Bijapur, ii. 272 ; Batwa, 240 ; Cambay, 241 ; Chinese, 465 ; Delhi (Old), 209, 217 ; Gwaiiar, 153