Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 2.djvu/13

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Chapter Contents Pages
  Government and Discourage Volunteering—The So-Called Arbitrary Arrests—George W. Jones, Dennis Mahony and Henry Clay Dean Imprisoned—Released Without Trials—The “Tally War” in Keokuk County—Two Thousand Armed Men Gathered in Camp to Avenge the Death of Tally—The Governor Calls Out Eleven Military Companies—The Tally Army Dispersed—Outrages on the Missouri Border—The Murder of Captains Bashore and Woodruff—The Arrest, Trial and Conviction of Gleason 77-92
VII Iowa Invaded by Missouri Guerillas—Citizens Robbed and Murdered—Governor Kirkwood Declines a Third Term—The Dramatic Nomination of Colonel William M. Stone—The Democratic State Convention of 1863—The Republican Candidates Elected—Defeats of Union Armies—Gloom and Depression in the North—The Army of Virginia Under Lee Invades Maryland and Pennsylvania—Is Finally Defeated at Gettysburg—The Victory of Grant at Vicksburg—Iowa Regiments Help to Win all Western Victories—The President Calls for 300,000 Soldiers—The Tenth General Assembly Convenes—Governor Kirkwood’s Last Message—His Services as the War Governor—Inauguration of Governor Stone—Re-election of Grimes as United States Senator—Important Acts of the Legislature—Disposal of the Agricultural College Land Grant—State Board of Education Abolished—Death Blow to “Wild Cat” Currency 93-107
VIII The President Calls for 500,000 Men—Rosecrans and Banks Meet with Disastrous Defeats—Thomas and Grant Win Brilliant Victories—General Grant Promoted to Command the Armies of the United States—Great Rejoicing in the West—Thirty Thousand “Knights of the Golden Circle” in Iowa—Governor Stone Issues Stringent Orders to Circumvent Their Secret Conspiracies—The Political Situation in 1864—Organization of “Union Leagues”—The Political Conventions of 1864—Their Platforms and Candidates—Negotiations for Peace—The Political Campaign—Momentous Issues Involved—Peace Convention at