Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 3.djvu/33

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eral Thomas H. Benton was one of the most prominent movers for this convention, his name was at the head of the call and when it assembled he called it to order, was chairman of the committee on resolutions and was the author of the platform adopted by the convention. The platform was of great length indorsing the plan of reconstruction proposed by the President and condemning the measures and general plan enacted by Congress which came in conflict with the policy of the President. The principal resolution on this subject was as follows:

“Resolved, That we endorse the restoration policy of President Johnson as wise, patriotic, constitutional and in harmony with the loyal sentiment and purpose of the people in the suppression of the Rebellion and the platform upon which he was elected, with the declared policy of the late President Lincoln, the action of Congress and the pledges given during the war.

“That we are opposed to any further amendments to the Constitution of the United States until all the States are represented in Congress and have a vote in making the same.”

On State affairs the following declaration was made:

“All officers intrusted with the management of funds should be held to a strict accountability for the faithful application of same and in case of the defalcation or misuse of such funds they should not be permitted to evade responsibility by implicating irresponsible agents selected by themselves. Any party that countenances such evasion becomes accessory to the crime.”

The following nominations were made: Secretary of State, Colonel S. G. VanAnda; Treasurer, General George A. Stone; Auditor, Captain R. W. Cross; Register Land Office, S. P. McKennie; Attorney-General, Captain W. Ballinger; Reporter Supreme Court, Captain J. W. Sennett; Clerk, Lewis Kimsey.

The Democratic State Convention met at Des Moines on the 11th of July and on the issue of reconstruction adopted the following resolutions: