Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 3.djvu/74

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On the third ballot the vote was:

Allison 63 votes
Harlan 40 votes
Wilson 17 votes

giving the nomination to Mr. Allison by a majority of six votes over both of his competitors.

The Fourteenth General Assembly convened on the 8th of January, 1872. Robert Lowery of Scott County, was chosen President pro term of the Senate. In the House James Wilson of Tama County was elected Speaker. On the 11th, the General Assembly met in joint convention and inaugurated Governor C. C. Carpenter and Lieutenant-Governor Bulis. Governor Carpenter delivered his inaugural address and on the 15th Lieutenant-Governor Bulis was installed President of the Senate. On the 16th of January William B. Allison was elected United States Senator for six years from the 4th of March, 1873, receiving the votes of all of the Republican members; Joseph C. Knapp received the votes of the Democratic members of the General Assembly.

Under the recent census Iowa was entitled to nine members of the House of Representatives in Congress and the Legislature proceeded to apportion the State into nine Congressional Districts.

Amendments were made to the prohibitory liquor law curing some defects that had become apparent. It was made the duty of the State Census Board to assess railroads for taxation. It was provided that railroad companies should be released from all taxes heretofore assessed by local authorities. An act was passed abolishing the death penalty as a punishment for crime. Another act authorized a council of any incorporated town or city to levy a tax for the establishment of a free public library and its maintenance. An act was passed to establish a board of Capitol Commissioners to take charge of