Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 4.djvu/596

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Public lands, method of survey and sale of, I, 60.

Public libraries, see libraries.

Public works, Board of, I, 240, 243, 244, 253, 264.

Purchase of Louisiana by U. S., I, 56; of war supplies, II, 56.

Purczel, Nicholas, II, 188, 190.

Рusеу, Wm. H. M., IV, 217, 218.

Quartermasters-General, III, 455.

Raid, see Grierson, Wilson, Rousseau.

Railroad commission, III, 95, 145, 149, 150, 151, 152, 161, 174; commissioners, 450; extensions, 62, 174; land grant, I, 249, 253, 255, 271, 274, 283, 358; II, 103; III, 21, 25, 58, 92, 174, 219, 221, 226, 227, 229; laws, 158, 159; passes, 113, 114, 150, 152; rates, 56, 66, 68, 70, 110, 152; taxation of, 191, 210; wrecks, 91, 92, 185, 186; see also underground.

Railroads, I, 248, 271, 272, 273, 285, 286, 358; gross earnings of, 1869, III, 27, 174; legislative control of, 25, 26, 30, 31, 48, 56, 58, 59, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 77, 93, 94, 96, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152.

Ralph, case of negro, I, 198, 199.

Randall, Fort, II, 397.

Rankin, John W., II, 225, 226; IV, 218; Sam'l E., III, 53, 54, 64, 65.

Raymond, Levi В., IV, 218, 219.

Realf, Richard, I, 377, 379, 381.

Reaser, Wilbur A., IV, 219.

Rebellion, Progress of, II, 51 to 129.

Record of regiments, Act providing for, II, 103.

Redfleld, James. II, 356, 357, 359.

Redman, W. H., III, 142.

Red River expedition, II, 273, 319.

Reed, Joseph R., II, 409; IV, 219.

Reform school, Act establishing, III, 21.

Regiment in Mexican war, I, 224.

Regiments, see cavalry, infantry, troops.

Registers of state land office, III, 450.

Regulators, suppression, I, 347, 348, 349, 350; see also vigilance committee.

Reid, Hugh T., I, 171, 172, 221; II, 215, 216; IV, 219, 220.

Reiniger, Robt. G., IV, 220.

Relief, see commission on India, Spirit Lake Expedition.

Remley, Milton, IV, 220, 221.

Removal of capital to Des Moines, I, 351.

Reporter and clerk supreme court, III, 454, 455; act making offices elective, 9.

Reports of Geological Survey, III, 9.

Representatives in congress, III, 530, 531.

Republican conventions, I, 281, 352, 370; II, 1860—44; 1861—62; 1862—78; 1863—94, 95, 96; 1864—117, 118; III, 1865—1; 1866—12; 1867—17; 1868—24; 1869—28, 29; 1870—33; 1871—45; 1872—49, 50; 1873—59; 1874—69; 1875—72, 73; 1876—79; 1877—87; 1878—96; 1879—98; 1880—100; 1881—109; 1882—122; 1883—125, 126; 1884—132; 1885—135; 1886—137; 1887—137; 1888—153; 1889—154; 1890—161; 1891—164; 1892—165; 1893—171; 1894—178; 1895—182, 183; 1896—187; 1897—189, 190, 191; 1898—197, 198; 1899—200; 1900—202; 1901—206, 207; 1902—211.

Republican party, organization of, I, 281.

Requistion for Coppoc, II, 19, 20, 21.

Resaca, Battle of, II, 231, 232, 312, 313, 314.

Resolutions, of inquiry as to Kirkwood, II, 19, 20; on negro suffrage, III, 2; on regulation of railroads, 66, 67; on slavery, I, 364, 365; on supporting administration, II, 55; on Tilden-Hayes, see McCrary; of political parties, see conventions.

Response to call for volunteers, II, 52, 53.

Reunion, Army of Tennessee, III, 74; see also soldiers.

Revenue laws, II, 32; III, 165; act forming, I, 189, 206, 240.

Revenue, Supervisors of internal, III, 528, 529.

Rice, Elliott W., II, 140, 170, 171, 172, 228, 314; IV, 221; Sam'l A., II, 237, 300, 301, 302, 303, 325, 327, 328, 364; IV, 221.

Rice, Fort, II, 400, 401.

Richards, Chas. B., I, 311, 317, 318, 319.

Richardson, A. P., IV, 221, 222; David N., 222, 223.

Richman, Jacob S., IV, 223.

Rigby, Wm. T., II, 274.

Ringgold, county, III, 405, 406.

Risley, county, III, 406, 407.

River improvements, boards, commissioners, registers, III, 457; see also Cedar, Des Moines, Iowa, Skunk.

Riviere des Moins, La, see Des Moines.