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ting his foot upon his neck, said. You savage and barbarous wretch, I am come to execute upon you the just reward of your villainy. And with that running him through and through, the monster sent forth a hideous groan, and yielded up his life while the noble Knight and virtuous Lady, were joyful spectators of his sudden downfal, and their own deliverance.

This being done, the courteous Knight and his fair Lady returned him hearty thanks for their deliverance, but also invited him home, there to refresh himself after the dreadful encounter, as likewise to receive ample reward, by way of gratitude for his good service. No, quoth Jack, I cannot be at ease till, I find out the den, which was this monster’s habitation. The Knight hearing this, waxed sorrowful, and replied, noble stranger, it is too much to run a second risk, for this monster lived in a den under you mountain, with a brother of his, more fierce than himself ; therefore, if you go thither and perish in the attempt, it would he the heartbreaking of both me and my lady ; let me persuade you to go with us, Nay, quoth Jack, if there were twenty, I would shed the last drop of my blood, before one of them should escape my fury, bnt when I have finished this task, I will come and pay my respects to you. So taking directions to their habitation, he mounted his horse, and went in pursuit of the deceased Giant’s brother.