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victorious conqueror, but during their mirth, a dark cloud appeared, which daunted the assembly.

A messenger brought the dismal tidings of the approach of one Thunderful, a huge Giant with two heads; who having heard of the death of his kinsmen, the above-named Giants, was come in search of Jack, to be revenged on him for their terrible downfal, and was within a mile of the Knight’s seat, the people flying before him from their habitations. When they had related this, Jack said, let him come, I am prepared with a tool to pick his teeth, and you gentlemen and ladies walk forth into the garden, and you shall be the joyful spectators of this monstrous Giant’s death. To which they consented, wishing him good fortune in that great enterprize.

The situation of the Knight’s house, was in a small island encompassed with a vast Moat thirty feet deep, and twenty feet wide, over which lay a braw-bridge. Wherefore Jack employed two men to cut it on both sides, and then dressing himself in his Coat of darkness, putting on his Shoes of swiftness, he marched against the Giant, with bis Sword of sharpness ready drawn; when he came closs up, the Giant could not see Jack, by reason of his invisible Coat, nevertheless he was sensible of approaching danger, which made him cry out.

Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum. I smell the blood of an Englishman, Be he living, or be he dead, I'll grind his bones to mix my bread.