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through the air in a charion drawn by fiery dragons, she was immediately transformed into the shape of a White Hind, many Knights have endeavoured to break the enchantment for her deliverance, yet none could accomplish it, by reason of two Griffins, who are at the entrance of the castle gate, who destroys them as they see them ; but you, being furnished with an invisible Coat, may pass them undiscovered ; where, on the gates of the castle, you will find engraven in characters, the means the enchantment may be broken.

Jack gave him his hand, with a promise, that in the morning he would break the enchantment, and free the lady.

Having refreshed themselves with a morsel of meat, they laid down to rest, in the morning Jack arose, and put on his invisible Coat, his Cap of knowledge, and Shoes of swiftness and so prepared himself for the dangerous enterprize.

Now when he had ascended the mountain, he discovered the two fiery Griffins ; he passed between them for they could not see him by reason of his invisible Coat. When he had got beyond them, he found upon the gate a golden trumpet, hung in a chain of fine silver, under which were engraven ;

Whoever shall this trumpet blow,
Shall soon the Giant overthrow,
And break the black enchantment straiqht,
So all shall be in happy state,