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The HISTORY of &c.

a ill chance be on your picture cried an old wife, for mony a ane has tane me be there in daffing, and ne'er said a word about it, a wheen daft jades canna ye had your tongues whan it's to your shame ye speak gae wa', cried the lass, he, filthy body at he is, the last chapman that kist me had a horse-pack, but he hae naething in his but a wisp of strae, some auld breeks, hare skins, maukin skins, ony thing that fills the bag and bears bouk, and yet he would kiss and handle me, hech I was made for a better fallow; ane of them came by ae day, and sell'd our Meg twa ell and a quarter o' linnen to be her bridal sark, for he had nae mair, and when she made it, and put it on it wadna hide her hech, hech, hech, he.