Page:History of Journalism in the United States.djvu/444

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votes and proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New York, vol. ii. (Hugh Game), New York, 1766.

New York Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, vols, v, vi, vii. (See under O'Callaghan.) Albany, 1855.

Nicolay, John George, and Hay, John: Complete Works of Abraham Lincoln, 2 vols., Century, New York, 1894. Abraham Lincoln, a History, 10 vols. Century Co., New York, 1890.

Niles, H.: Things as They Are. Baltimore, 1809.

Noble, John: The Libel Suit of Knowles and Douglass. Cambridge, 1897.

Norcross, Granville H.: Southern Newspapers Printed on Wall Paper, Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, vol. xlvi, pp. 241-43. Boston, 1913.

Norris, J. W.: General directory, etc., of Chicago with historical sketch. Chicago, 1844; re-printed 1902.

North, S. N. D.: The Newspaper and Periodical Press. In vol. viii. Tenth Census of the United States. Washington, 1884.

Nowland, John H. B.: Early Reminiscences of Indianapolis. Indianapolis, 1870.

Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson: The Literary History of Philadelphia. Phila., 1906; Philadelphia, a History of the City and Its People, 4 vols. Phila., 1912.

O'Brien, Frank Michael: The Story of The Sun. Doran, New York, 1918.

O'Callaghan, Edmond Bailey: The Documentary History of the State of New York, 4 vols. Albany, 1850-51; Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, 8 vols. Albany, 1858.

Odgers, W. Blake: An Outline of the Law of Libel. New York, 1897.

Ogden, Rollo (Editor): Life and Letters of Edwin Lawrence Godkin. Macmillan, New York, 1907.