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the first time on Sabbath, August 3, 1884. It is universally allowed that the interior of the church has been much improved in appearance, and the service of praise greatly enriched by the introduction of the organ. It is due to those members of the congregation who were at first opposed to the change to state that almost without exception they loyally acquiesced in the decision arrived at by the majority.

At the close of 1884 the sum of £726 3s 3d had been contributed from various sources towards the expense of the organ, leaving £997 6s 4d still to be raised. With a view to the extinction of the debt, the Organ Committee invited the co-operation of the ladies of the congregation in getting up a bazaar. This invitation was very generally and heartily responded to, and the ladies entered on their undertaking with the utmost enthusiasm, and with the determination to make it a thorough success. The preparations, which were on an exceedingly extensive scale, were completed about the beginning of 1887. The bazaar, which was held in the Garrison Hall, was opened on Tuesday, February 22nd, by His Excellency the Governor, Sir William Jervois, and was closed on the evening of Saturday, the 26th. The unremitting efforts of the ladies, and the generous support accorded to them by members of the congregation, as well as by numerous friends belonging to other churches and denominations, rendered the organ bazaar in all respects a most distinguished success. The gross proceeds amounted to £1642; and, after defraymg all expenses, paying the debt upon the organ, and painting and completing the exterior of the instrument, the committee were enabled to hand over to the Deacons' Court the handsome sum of £379 10s lOd to aid in the reduction of the debt on the new church. The following is a summary of the Organ Committee's final balance-sheet:—

Subscriptions £822 16  6
Organ Recitals 111 1 3
Concerts 22 3 0
Lectures by Dr Black 10 1 6
Juvenile Industrial Exhibition 15 0 0
Collection on Opening Day 25 0 0
Bazaar Committee 948 11 1
£1954 13 4