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for its president, we may feel confident that the greatest object of a church's existence will not be allowed to drift out of sight.

"Our Ladies' Association, which does its work wisely and well, has your hearty goodwill. Under the direction of Mrs Grant, Mrs Glasgow, Mrs Wilkie, and their devoted sisters in the Lord, you may rest assured that the funds you place at their disposal will be wisely dispensed. When I have occasion to visit the Association, I never hesitate to counsel them to look to you for support in their beneficent ministry.

"The Young Women's Society, under the presidency of Mrs Hoodie, has scarcely had time to make good its claim to your sympathy. It started with a double function. It seeks the personal culture of its members, but specially their training in works of faith and labours of love. Your goodwill is secured when I tell you that it looks out for those children who are left to play on the streets on Sabbath afternoon, in order to place them under the influence of the Sabbath School. Give this, the youngest of our congregational institutions, a place in your prayers.

"For the Literary and Debating Society of the congregation I ask your sympathy. It was founded long ago by the late Mr Robert Gillies, as was also the Congregational Library, which I deem valuable, and deserving of a more generous support than it has of late received. I am glad to be able to say that the society is rendering excellent service to an important branch of education. An evening in its rooms is as enjoyable as it is instructive.

"The choir has established its claim to the regard of the church by its services to the noble exercise of praise. I wonder whether the congregation generally knows that in our interests it gives an evening a week to musical practice. I am hoping that you will institute an annual festival in order to testify your gratitude to its members who add so much to the beauty of the service of praise in the congregation. I for one bless God for our choir and their Christian labours.

"The Sabbath Morning Fellowship Meeting has my goodwill and sympathy. When I enter the pulpit the thought is to me inspiring that in an adjoining vestry several of our young men give a part of their hour of prayer to supplication to God for a blessing on my presentation of the Gospel. I remember one Sunday morning when I was