Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/150

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share' the feeling of satisfaction at his safe return, and join in 'hoping that he may be spared in health and strength,' and remain among us active in good works for many years to come. It is remarkable that, throughout a career practically coeval with the existence of Dunedin as a city, Dr Stuart, while by no means addicted to concessions where essentials are involved, and ever giving full credit for good intentions and conscientious conduct to those from whom on dogmatic points he materially differed, has kept himself clear of the bitterness of controversy, and has been content to do his own duty according to his convictions. It is this largeness of mind and breadth of view that have raised him so high in public esteem, and gained the respect and regard of other denominations. Thoroughly characteristic of this Christian gentleman were the few apposite words in which, out of the very 'fulness of his heart,' he replied to the address of his congregation. Almost poetic in their simple beauty of expression, so completely to the purpose and the point, they must have gone home to the heart of every one present. We may, while congratulating the reverend Doctor on his safe return, and his people on receiving back their beloved pastor, express the hope that he may yet have a long term of service in the ministration of his pastorate, and of usefulness as a citizen of Dunedin."