Page:History of Knox Church Dunedin.djvu/66

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nection with the Sabbath School and other Christian agencies of the church.

On Mr Glasgow's appointment the Deacons' Courts of First Church and Knox Church undertook the joint responsibility for payment of his salary for six months, and on his death the organisation of St. Andrew's congregation was completed mainly under the direction of the Rev. Dr Stuart. The Rev. D. Meiklejohn was subsequently ordained and inducted into the charge. The Knox Church congregation, through its minister and office-bearers, continued to take a warm interest in the welfare of St. Andrew's. Mr E. B. Cargill, one of the elders, and Mr W. P. Hutton, one of the deacons, were requested to attach themselves to it in order to aid in its organisation. In March 1868 the following resolution was passed by the Deacons' Court:—"The Court cordially recommends to the members and adherents of this church to assist the congregation of St. Andrew's in the erection of their proposed new buildings, and appoints Messrs J. Gillies, E. Smith, and J. Wilkie a committee to co-operate with the office-bearers of St. Andrew's congregation, and the said committee are hereby empowered to call upon the several office-bearers of this church to render what assistance may be in their power, in order that the plans it may be determined to adopt may be carried out."