Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/192

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Chap.V. OFMANCHESTER, i$y • Llhuyd's EtymoL Did. p. 5. Bamborough in Northumberland was called Z>i*-Guayrh or the War**own by the Britons of the fixrh century (Nenniue c 64),— 3 Thus we have Loch or floch water, and Bullium or Burrium for the fame town, among the Britons {fee DkEtionaire Ceftique in Roch, and Richard and Antoninus &r the town) ; Carlia and Ceria for the lame liquor among the Spaniards (fee b. I. ch. vii. f. 3.) ; Au^op Lilium, find A<rjf Stciia, and Cerebrum Cerebellum, Liber Libellus, and many others, among the Romans ; and , Marmot* Marble, Pur* pura Purple, Tempora Temples, and Harry Mary Sarah and Dorothy popularly fbftened into Hal Molly Sally and Doily, among ourfelves. — 4 P. 463. — 5 Phil. Tranf. A. D. 1755 and 1756. p. 696 and 697. — 6 Caraufius vol. I. p. 177. — 7 Itin. Curiof p. 143. — * Phil. Tranf. p. 687. — 9 Camden ibid. — ,0 P. 699. — » P. 698. — " See Phil. Tranf. p. 695.— u And this infurretfion is obvioufly alluded to in Juv. 14 Sat. Dime Maurorum attegias & caftra Brigantum. — '* That the Romans frequently made infcriptions upon leaden plates, appears from Dion. p. 475 and 867. — 1S Tacitus Ann, l.xii. c. 32.— ,6 See the miftakes in Brit. Rom ana p. 34, Caraufius p. 177. vol. I, and Reinefius p. 302. — ,7 Mr. Horfeley p. 316. has propofed this objection, but has miftated it. His argument fuppofes both fets of infcriptions to be upon plates of the fame date. And Dr. Ward has endeavoured to remove the ob* je&ion, but has miftaken it (p. 697 and 698). The title of Emperor is neither given to Vefpafian Titus and Domitian on the fame pieces of lead, nor given to Vefpafian upon one piece and to Titus upon another. It is given to Vefpafian and to Titus upon the fame, and to Domitian upon different pieces.— u Loca caftris ipfe [Agricola] capere, ajluaria ac fylvas ipfe prae- tentare : nihil interim apud hoftes quietum pati qud minus fubi- tis excurjibus popularetur; Tacitus Vit. Agric. — ,0 A record of perambulation fays thus of it — It begins where Sonkey Water falls into the Merfey — afcends the water through the middle of the townfhips of Par Windlue and Rain ford— pafles through Y 2 the