Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/314

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,Chflpi!VlIL 0~F;;M A N fH E;JTE R. f tf 3 tutes, though, like them, as antient fenfible commentaries, they ate at once ufeful in their notices and refpe&able for their authority. The dedu&ions are not even made, as the Reader will equally remark, merely ftom, a few detached paflfages in the three firft books, which 1 contain J th6 laws of Howel Dha in particular, but from the general uniform tenour of his whole Code. A few (ingle paffages might be the production of that interpolating hand which we clearly difcern in fome parts and therefore fafpeft in. others. But a general uniform tenour can- -ftot bd Aie:refult 6f ahy interpolations ai alL * It rfiuft Qdxr -k*m the^g^hume the original fowoeof the whole. The trueicks of ehefe

  • <fedi*6fcion$ therefore mvA be taken from* a compleat a compre-

^henfive vi*w of thetnj Theft evince one regular fy&tm. of mi- litary and civil polity to be eihibite4 in the laws, to be incor- -porated' intxx the frame* and to. be. the actuating 'life and fpirit, of them; SucKa fyftem-omild as little be the <xeatk>o ? of Hoyv^l as it could be the intention, of ftny ef the king* after him* 'Hotfrel interpolated t her code exifting- before hihva* the & deed- ing kings interpolated' his^ And the ftrong and fbrikifig agree- ment of the whole written fyftem of Wales frith the unwritten fyftem of Ireland fully proves the fa&c£pcfa%itit&>oi fllltplKivje .been merely trifling and' iromateriai^ at#l deeifi v,ejy dimooftr^t^ the prefent code of Howel and his focctffim fo.fce tha feif xp~ giftqr the faithful exemplar of the municipal Jaw* of the aouent: and original Briton?.. « e ► • 1 CPo?!:. &EAP.