Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/470

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Chap. XII. OF MANCHESTER. 435 had once refolved to make a defcent upon Ireland, and a&uaily Xf> land in the region of the Dajnnii * • * Thefc two embarkations were moft probably occafioned by the mere populoufnofs of Britain, crowded as it now began to be with inhabitants, and by the mere vicinity of Ireland, very plain as it appeared to the eye from the fhores of Cantire and Galloway. But the fucceeding colonies were certainly occa* fioned by the wars of the Britons among thcmfelyes and of the Romans againft the Belgre and the Britons. And to thefe caufes are the fettlements of moft of the colonies exprefsly attributed ' by Richard ". About half a century before Chrift the Carnabii of Chefture, as I have ^formerly, fhewn, entered the country of the Ordovices and fubdned the county of Shrewsbury. Upon this invafion the Ordovices that lived in the north of Shropshire and the neigh- bourhood of Mediolanum ibem to haye palled over into Ireland,, and to have retained the memorial of their origin in the name of their capital, Eblana or Mcdialaaum *', The former name jevi- den tly affixed the new appellation of Eblani to thet ribe ; and tJ^e latter feems as evidently to point out the old appellation of its city* Thus the colony of tfce Cantii, wjuch fpread from Trinpvantum or London over the reft pf Middieftx and the whole of £&£» carried the narap of their original city in their appellation of Tt inovantes. Thu$ the Rkemi of Owl in {he neighborhood of Bihrac-te, cowing over in a, eolony to Rrifciip, and ftttli^gin the fouth-eaftern parts of JBfirk&ire, cpnftru&ed the new city of Bibrac~te and farmed the new tribe of the Bibrpc-es. And thus we Avail find the Menapti and others to have pome oyer from particular towns in Brgaio, and £0 have retained t*he name of their original city in ^he pr$&nt denomination of their tribe. And the Guetheling or Watling Street rowft have be$n con- ftru&ed about fifty or fixty years after the Settlement of thefe Mediolanenfes upon the coaft, and muft have been carried from the Rhutupae of the Cantii to the Segontium of the Ordovices in order to traffidk with thefe the tranfplanted Ordovices o£ Ireland. K k k 2 About