Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/477

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442 THE HISTORY Book K parts of the ifland and the dominions of the Scoti, and to fettle upon the weftera ihore. And with both or about the fame period perhaps came the Auterii .. About the year 76 probably ,. when Julius Frontinus fubdued the Silures and their fubje& Dimetae,„the MenapiL came into Ire- land ; the Dimetae in the neighbourhood of Menapia or St. Da- vidts pafling over to the oppofite coaft of Ireland,, and erecting another Menapia in the county of Waterford. The Coriondii were in all probability poffefl'ed of the coaft before, as the Con- cangii in 5 1 found the eaftern ihore already occupied. And the Menapii muft have attacked the inhabitants, have diflodged them from the coaft* and have driven them beyond the Slane. There*, confined too much by the Barrow on the weft, they extended themfelves to the norths and ftretched alang the back of the JLiffy to the Boyne. And about the year r 40 probably, certainly before the period of Ptolemy's geography, upon the expedition of Lollius into Ca- ledonia and his great fucceffcs in Vefpafiana, the Venicnii and the Hardinii came into Ireland,, and fettled upon the north*- weftern coaft. The latter were certainly derived, as their name evinces, from Arden, Harden, or Caledonia. . And both were evidently of the fame kindred, being called together the two Venicnian tribes, and being together fubjeft to their one me- tropolis in the country of the Hardinii. In this ftate of. the ifland, the Belgae being confined by the Brigantes on fhe north-eaft the Scoti on the north and the -Cangani and Auterii on the north-weft, and die only unoccu- pied part of the coaft lying dire&ly beyond both the laft, ir> Mayo Sligo Letrim , Rofcommon and Fermanagh,, their colo- nies, more populous than the others (as the fequel of the hiftory demonftrates), foon began to raife commotions in the ifland,. and feized the large vacant extent of the weftern coaft 4 Thejr muft therefore have crofted the Shannon, have entered the coun- try of the Cangahi and Auterii, and have fubdued them both*. Iftheyhadnot fubdued them, they could not have proceeded to the north, and have fettled under the abovementioned appeU lation