Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/492

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Chap. XII. OF MANCHtiTER^ +$? A Limite i. e, A Vailo Praetorium uiq; A BAA MEN IO Corftopitum m- p. 20 ;. and the other begins thus,- A Vallo ad Portum Ritupas, A BLATO BULGIO Caftra Exploratorum m. p. 12. Thefe, and only thefe, Itinera begin in this extraordinary man- ner. And this alone pretty evidently points out, that fome fta* tion or ftations have been omitted in the copies before A Bra- menia in the one and before A Bhto Bulgio in the other. One or more ftations have undoubtedly been loft betwixt the Limes and Bremenium m the firft, and betwixt the Vallum and Blatum Bulgium in the fecond. Had not one or more been omitted in the lift, the commencing point muft have been the Vallum fn both, and Bremenium and Blatum Bulgium could have been only two intermediate ftations in either. And this is proved tQ be true by the Itinerary of Richard. We have the very feme route defcribed by the fifth Iter of Richard as is traced by th$ firft Iter of Antonine. And we have the ftations that are for*- gotten in the latter particularly enumerated in the former.. Antonine* s ift Iter. A Limite i. e. A Vallo Prartorinm ufq;< — m. p. 156. A Bremenio. Corftopitum m. p. Vindomora m. p. Vinovia m. p. Catarraftoni m. p. liurium mi p. Eburacum m. p. Derventione m# p. Delgovitia m. p. Praetorio m; p. 20 9 22 Richard's 5th Iter. A Limite Praeturiam uf<£ fie, Curia m. p. • • • • • Ad'Flnes ift. p. . . • Bremenio. m. p. • • . . Corftoplio 20 Vindoinora 9 Vindbvio 1 9 Catarra&oni 22 24 Ui 17/ 7

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Eboraco Derventione Delgovtcta Praettrrio N n n 4? . T '3 Tlub