Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/496

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Chap. XII. OF MANCHESTER, 461 Roman legionaries, once the invincible of the earth, now retired upon every fide towards the heart of the empire. Rome, once the tyrant of the world, daily ftirunk into herfelf, contracting the dimenfions of her territories, and lofing the formidablenefe ef her name. And in this awfbl erifis the Roman foldiers finally deferted the Hie of Britain, in the year of the Christian aera 446 '% five hundred and one years after their firft defcent upon the ifland, four hundred and three after' their fiiift fettlement iu the country* and three hundred and fixtywfcven after their firft entrance into Lancashire .*. . *S. 1. — *See b. I. ch. u. f. a. and ch. vi. £4.—- 3 Ch. ii. f. 2.— 4 Chap. vi # f. 4.-— 5 Notitia.— > 6 Ibid. So the Saxons were called Safenach and Saxenach by the Irifh, the Siftuntii were called Scftuntiaci, the Britarau -Britannici, Poeni Panici, and Morini Areraorici.-r-7 Tacitus Ann. lib. xiL c. 31 , Richard p. 26, Baxter in Antona* Camden c. 515, Gale's £iiay in Iceland's Irin. vol. vi. p. 143. edit. 1769* and Itin. Cur. p, 35.— 8 Horfeley p. 98, com* pared with p. 158. — • Agric Vit. c. 23, — '* Tacitus Hift. lib..L c. fc. Perdomita Britannia & Jlatim amifla ; Spartian c. 5. of Hadrian, Britanni terteri fub Remand ditione non poterant &c. y dtid Richard p. 59. Sub quo [Trebellio] duce provincial Vefpa- fiantf fcilker & Maeata [or Valentia p. 28], fra&ae funt, — Circa* idem tentpus iniiilaoi hanarevifitans Hadrianus &c. — " The forts betwixt the Friths have bden. twice as clofe as the ftations along the wall of Severus (Horfeley p. 173); and "Sparrfan c. ii* Primus.— 1 * A^iJifjUJo $e nctt rm iv Bpticcvvta, fy$fo/la* THN ITOAAHN^ ty EIlEXBAINfirN x«* $a <rws t$i$ oirXiis ypZ*' *np V&wuw ficip*v> Wipco*; Vnpcuuv (Paufimias Arcad. "lib.- YuL ^p. #89. Lipfke ^696); Theie words hav* been applied to "the Brigantes of Maxima (Horfeley, Camden, &c:), and to flic 8cIjgov2e and others of Valentia (Carte); but can fuit neither of them. The Bri- gades of Maxima had ' had all their Iftnd conquered or taken from them before. The Bngantcs of Vaftentia -had either had • • * all!