Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/730

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606 ANALYTICAL BaU discovered Lord Howe Island, 170, 274. sailed round New Holland, 170. Banks proposes colony at Botany Bay, xlv. eidence before Committee, xlv, 3. supports Matra's proposal, 8, 425. suggests employment of Chinese, 6, 425. journal of the voyage with Cook, xl, xliii, 78. colony originated with him, xlv, xlviil, 1, 78-9. chaplain appointed at his Instance, 66 n, 66. collection of papers, 79 and note. influence with the Government, Hi, 22 n, 78-9. frequent appeals from colonists, 79. instances selected from his papers, 79-84. Rev. Samuel Marsden, 79. Captain Wilson, 79-80. Matthew FUndors, 80, 84. William Bligh. lii, 81. Mungo Park, 82-8. urges exploration of interior in 1798, 82. by Hungo Park and Flinders, 82-3. proposal not accepted by Government, 84. confldenee in the future of the colony, 85. opinion of its climate and soil, ib. inquires about the Stadtrhouse map, xxxiii. ■obtains copy of Tasman's instructions, 88. finds fault with King for frequent reprieves, 239. botanical specimens from Sydney Cove, 280. and from Norfolk Island, 366. specunens of clay and minerals, 339, 340. -employs Wedgwood to analyse, 244, 840 u. letter to Bligh, lii. wants plants from Port Jackson, xlii. receives letter from Westall, Ixxiii. Dr. Johnson's motto for his goat, Iv. biographical sketch, 471-4. Bass's Straits not Shown on maps published in 1787, 93. no straits, according to Furneaux, 174-6. his opinion adopted by geographers, 176. Cook*s opinion, 176. Hunter's, 183. confirmed by Bass's exploration In 1797, 183. reported to Home Office by Hunter, ib. Batavia voj-age of the Supply, 170. passage to England, 186, 193, 243, 252. sending for supplies to, 313-4. arrial of the Pandora's boats, 174. Baadin exploration of the southern coast, 33. discoveries anticipated by Flinders, ib. Bigge report on judicial establishments, 391-2, 397-8. appointment of Attomoy-General, 302. objects to trial by jury, ib. practice in Judge- Advocate's Court, 397. makes a suggestion for its improvement, 308. Bligh letter from Sir Joseph Banks, lii. letters to, 81. in Adventure Bay, 171. in the Bounty's launch, ib. in Torres' Straits, 172 and note. Blae Moimtaiiis Phillip's first view, 139, 288-9. first attempt to reach them, ib. seen from the Hawkesbury, 149, 150. and named, 140. Tench's descriptions of them, 153-5. Dawes's expedition, 153-4. Phillip's second attempt, 157. discovery of passage over, 109. Botany Bay description in Hawkesworth, xl. Banks proposes a colony, xlv. origin of the expedition to, & selected for penal settlement, 22, 482. arri>*al of the First Fleet at, 267. examined and abandoned by Phillip, 135, 207. northern shore described by him, 279. examined a second time, 144. arrival of La Pdrouse at, 32. his deiMirture, and opinion of the country, 88 n. Tench's description of the French ships, 245. Cook's meadows, xliL Pdron's description of the cotmtry, 850. descriptions by disappointed settlers, 60S, 507. its Bcenei?', xl. BongainviUe his expedition, 25, 603. Broken Bay Phillip's encounter with natives 123-4. his account of it, 09, 285-6. customs of the natives, ^-6. Phillip's intention to steer for, 135 n, 268 n. explored by him, 136-8, 144-7, 272-8. mentioned by Cook, 196, 272. sun-eyed by Hunter, 137. Brosses collection of voyages, xxvli, 87-8, 441, 575. chart of Nouvelle HoIIande, xxvii. on board the Endeavour, ib. translation by Callander, xxix. thought Quiros diMX>vered east coast, xxx. did not confound New Holland with Terra Aus- tralis, xxxiv. thought New Holland, New Guinea, and Nev Zealand separated by straits, xxxv. doubt as to straits between New Holland and New Guinea, xxvii, xxviii. Callander's interpolation in his text, ib. originated the names Australasia, Polynesia, 87. thought New Holland unfit for colonisation, Ixili— iv, Ixxili. New Zealand and Van Diemcn 's Land to remote for settlement, ib. Digitized by Google