Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 2.djvu/133

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THE ISTEW SOUTH WALES C0B.P8, IQS Infitead of coming out at tlie time proposed^ Grose ^^^ xemained in England until Jvlj, 1791^ wlien he took his passage in the Pitt, arriving in Sydney on the 14th February, 1792. In November, 1790, he represented to Nepean the ^roie poor character of the ^^accommodationB" allotted to him- with

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self and his brother-officers on board the Gorgon, the vessel o° >i^p* in which it was at first intended he should sail with the remainder of the Gorps."^ He complained that every com- fortable situation in the ship was occupied by the naval officers, ^^who profess a positive resolution of messing by themselves," and he asked that arrangements might be made 80 that if the officers of the Corps were to live by themselves cuquism on an eligible" place for their mess might be allotted to them. '*"'*" Grose was the more anxious to have better accommodation because he was accompanied by his wife and family. The difficulty was removed by abandoning the original intention of sending all the remaining officers and men out in one vessel. In view of the fact that it was intended to send out about two thousand more convicts, it was deemed expedient to detain the troops and distribute them as guards on the convict ships. The change of plan was announced in a Emborka- ■^ ox- tionplan letter from Grenville to Phillip, 19th February, 1791 : — altered. "It has been judged expedient that the detachment of the New South Wales Corps originally intended to accompany Major Grose in the Gorgon should assist in guarding the convicts mentioned in my letter to you, No. 9 [16th November, 1790],t which have since been increased by clearing the gaols in Ireland to about 2,050, aU of whom will, I expect, be embarked on board the several transports mentioned in the enclosed list,^ and will proceed on their voyage in the course of the present month. "§ The force distributed among the ten vessels is not stated, but a comparison of the official returns of July, 1790, and • The Gorgon sailed in March, 1791, and arrived at Sydney on 2l8fc September. t The number of conyiots mentioned in this despatch -was 1,800. X The tntDsports referred to were provided hy Messrs. Camden, Calvert, and King. They comprised the Queen, Athintic, William and Ann, Britannia, Matilda, Salamander, Albemarle, Mary Ann, AdhniralBarrington« and Active. § Historical Becords, vol. i, part 2, p. 461.