Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 2.djvu/141

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THK DISPOSAL OP CROWN LANDS UNDER PHILLIP. 118 stock from the public store. So far as seamen, marines, l78a-89 and other free men were concerned, Grenville was content that they should wait until Phillip had examined the country and reported upon its capabilities, and upon the terms and conditions on which he thought the land ought to be distributed. In compliance with these instructions, Phillip reported in July, 1788, as follows : — "Lands granted to officers or settlers will, I presume, be on condition of a certain proportion of the lands so granted being Grants caltivated or cleared within a certain time, and which time and iSdSera. quantity can only be determined by the nature of the ground and situation of the lands ..... they [the officers and settlers] likewise must be allowed convicts, who must be maintained at the expense of the Crown. "Your Lordship will be pleased to consider this opinion as given in obedience to orders, on a subject which requires more consider- ation than I can give it at present, and at a time when I have only a very superficial knowledge of the country for a few miles around."* This despatch reached England in March, 1789; and in June following, Grenville wrote, in reply, that the matter would be submitted to his Majesty by an early opportunity. By one of the vessels of the Second Fleet, which arrived at Further Sydney in June, 1790, Phillip received Instructions under ie^^fin^' the Royal Sign-Manual with respect to grants of land to^^*^°** be made to non-commissioned officers and privates who might prefer to remain in the colony when the detachment was relieved, and to " such other persons as may be disposed to become settlers.'^ The document is known as Phillip's '^ Additional Instructions. It was evidently drawn up with one single object in view, namely, to induce the non-com- missioned officers and men of the marine corps to settle in MUitur the colony, when their three years of service were ended, to 8etti«.

  • Historical "Records, yoL i, part S, p. 177*

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