Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 2.djvu/226

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188 THE THIRD PLEET, ^'^^ command to Mr. William House, boatswain of the Discovery, Her captain, who had been sent by Vancouver to Sydney for the purpose of being forwarded to England as an invalid, but had recovered from his illness. As soon as she could be got ready, Grose despatched the Francis to Dusky Bay, New Zealand, '^ in order to ascertain how far that place, which I understand possesses all the advantages of Norfolk Island, with the addition of a safe harbour and seal fishery, may tend to the benefit of his Majesty's service, as connected with Ayefui these settlements." The Francis afterwards did good work in exploring the New South Wales coast, and proved of infinite service to the colony. offered his Beryices to put together the Tessel that aniyed in frame in the Pitt ; and being deemed sufficiently qualified as a shipwright, he was engaged at two shillings per diem and his proyisions to set her up. The keel was accordinglj laid down on blocks placed for the purpose near the landing-plaee on the east side."— Collins, yol. i, pp. 203, 204.