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ally joined by the missionary Jason Lee." Was her story right and that of the historians wrong? Or had the events of her romance become obscure in her memory or had long years of civilized life and conversion made her sensitive to the elopement and desertion accounts or was she parroting a more seemly version adopted by her husband? In any event it is merely a matter of historical accuracy and not at They lived together in congenial happiness for 39 years all of censure. until his death in 1876, and they had seven children, which made a total of ten for her.

Monday 3 April 1837.
Mr. T. J. Hubbard was married to Miss Mary Sommata at the house of Mr. Billeck Willamette settlement by Jason Lee.

Monday 1st May 1837.
Mr. John Hard was married to Miss Liset De Portes at the house of Mr. De Portes Willamette settlement by Daniel Lee.

Sabbath 16th July 1837.
Were married at the Mission house Rev. Jason Lee to Miss Anna Maria Pitman, by Daniel Lee-Mr. Cyrus Shepard to Miss Susan Downing and Mr. Charles Roe to Miss Nancy an Indian girl, by Jason Lee.

This marriage day shines out in the Oregon country as the marriages of Nellie Grant and Alice Roosevelt in the White House. But what of that other union sanctified in such immortal company? Charles Roe at this time was 31 years old and he lived with the Indian wife he took on that July Sabbath until she died several years later. Then, in 1856, he married another Indian girl, a half-breed. He killed her out of jealousy three years later and was hanged.

Tuesday 21 Nov. 1837.
At the house of Mr. Leslie Mr. H. K. W. Perkins to Miss Elvira Johnson by Daniel Leslie.

Monday 22 Jan. 1838.
Were married Mr. Joseph Gervais to Miss Margaret of the Clatsop tribe. Mr. Xavier La De Root to Miss Julia Gervais by Jason Lee at the house of Mr. Gervais Willamette settlement.

Miss Margaret was the sister of the vivid Mrs. Solomon Smith.