Page:History of Oregon Literature.djvu/275

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resulted in her marriage to the poet, began by his mailing her an appreciative letter inclosing a tin-type picture of himself. It was a delicate and romantic beginning to have such a sordid ending. His Shasta wife, their half- brown child at her skirts, had waived a red sash from the cliffs, in an acquiscent goodby that could always he recalled with poetic rather than actual sorrow — "memories richer than roses, sweet echoes more sweet than a song." But this Saxon poetess afforded a termin ation not similarly casual and agreeable. The story will be continued in the next chapter, very much from her point of view in poetry and prose.

Joaquin Miller's principal books and pamphlets, in prose and verse and drama, represent an output of con siderable size that is a testimony to his industry. Poetry was more profitable for him than for most of those who writ... , and he made money from his books. Specimens, Portland, 1868. Joaquin, E... . , Portland, 1869. Pacific Poems, 1 87 1. Song... the Sierras, 1871. Olive Leaves, 187 1 (An obscure item but, according to Miller... wis published in Esston, Pi., m thit year.) Song... the Sun-Lands, 1873. Unwritten History: Life Amongst the Modocs, 1873. The Ship in the Desert, 1875. First Fam'lie... the Sierras, 1876. The One Fair Woman, 1876. The Barones... New York, 1877. Song... Italy, 1878. The Danite... the Sierras, 1 88 1. The Shadow... Shasta, 1881. Memorie And Rime, 1884. The Destructio... Gotham, 1886. Song... the Mexican Seas, 1887. In Classic Shades