Page:History of Oregon Literature.djvu/542

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prised that Clark should try to get even on him by making me say what he don't dare to say himself. I'm goin to take up none of his quarrels, 'taint no use for as fast as he gets out of one he's into another and it would keep a feller all the time in a brile. Besides I've lost all interest in him, he's so all fired unreliable that I've throwed off on him and if he didn't belong to my party I'd put a head on him like a pizened pup's.

Schultz Proposes to Leave

Now Mr. Editor I dont know as I shall write you again. Strawberries are getting scarce and I'm tired being out of business. I'd a left several days ago only I thought I'd get a show to nip some of them Salem chaps that's been frisking around through the brush after me. 'taint likely that any of 'em's got a red so I won't wait any longer. I ain't a going to get into Bill Watkinds' clutches agin you bet your life. He's no business man and I don't like a feller that don't under- stand how to make money without workin for it. Watkinds knows how to get work out of a feller when he gets him into the darned prison but he ain't smart enough to make money by lettin a feller go. That's why I say he aint fit for the place he's holdin. He ought to be removed and some feller appointed that knows the ropes. Aint going to tell where I'le take up next because my numerous friends would be inquirin after my wellfare till it would become a darned bore. Friends is a bore anyway, specially such as Sam Clark and the tew specimens of hog pluck arristocracy that take him to their buzum because he puffs them in his paper. I'm disgusted with 'em and don't mean to associate with 'em any more if I can help it. SHULTZ. p.s. It's no use for nobody to come to this paster after strawberries. There a'int none here to speak of now. I state for the benefit of persons that have been in the habit of cumming here for strawberries, etc.