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that I deny its claim to distinctiveness but still I hardly think it could be called a wonder. I base my opinion upon a conversation I once overheard. Several persons were discussing some happening of local interest. "Who was back of it all?" one said, and another answered, "Why, the Wenaha Club," and then, with unanimous agreement, all exclaimed, "The Wenaha Club, no wonder."

Truly yours, booster. Monday, January 10, 1916.

Local Limericks

"The Weakly Bulldogger" today starts a new department, "Local Limericks". We will limerick one Pendleton citizen a week, and, as befits his rank and station, we begin on the honorable mayor, Doc Best.

Pendleton's mayor is Doc Best,
A man of infinite zest.
At the political game
He lives up to his name.
How he does it he hasn't confessed.
Monday, January 24, 1916.

Why Ask Us

Pilot Rock, Ore., Feb. 15.

To the Editor:

I noticed in the East Oregonian where I secured a marriage license and I noticed in the Tribune of the same day that Elbert Casteel, a married man, got a license to marry the same girl I was to marry. Now what I want to know is whether I am going to get her or whether Elbert Casteel is going to get her.

Yours truly,


Mr. Pickering must have justified the East Oregonian item, for we noticed that among the guests of the Hotel Pendleton the other day were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Pickering. Monday, February 21, 1916.

Our Weakly Limericks

If that dapper young banker, Max Hopper,
Had a wife and decided to drop her,
That is, by divorce,
As a matter of course,
Would not she then be a grass Hopper?
Monday, February 21, 1916.