Page:History of Oregon Literature.djvu/567

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OLD AND NEW COLUMNISTS N. Nitts on Talk Nescius Nitts, the great Punkindorf seer, Saw a humble bee hum past his head, without fear, Shot a nicotine jet past J. Conner's right ear, And nailed the itinerant bee from the rear j Then told how Guest bore the tidings of cheer, December 12, 1911. N. Nitts on Booms Nescius Nitts, the chief sage, I presume, In Punkindorf's district, glanced over the room And marked a brown moth on the wainscot for doom— One shot, and 'twas sealed in a nicotine tomb. Then spake the wise Nitts, at great length, on the boom.

December 16. 1911.

Nitts on Power of Prayer By Olaf Gunstvblt With apologies to Dean Collins Nescius Nitts, of Punkindorf Station, Whose death, when it comes, will hang crepe on the Nation And ruin the plug trust beyond reparation And fill all the insects with joy and elation, Bit out of his chew slab the regular ration And spat on the 'roach and began this relation:

November 21, 1911.

N. Nitts' New Year

Nescius Nitts, he whose sapience may Cast glory o'er Punkindorf Station alway, Reached back toward his hip in a casual way To the pocket in which his Missouri plug lay— And then he remembered it was New Year's day. With virtuous haste he relinquished the plug That out from the depths of his pocket he'd dug, "All men on this day," he remarked, "they begins