Page:History of Oregon Literature.djvu/580

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April 8. 1927.

A Retraction:We're glad to come out in the open and say that an article we printed a few nights ago that Dave Eyre was found playing golf on the Illihee golf links with suspenders holding up his pants has been denied by members of the board of governors of that club.

They say Dave wasn't wearing suspenders at all, but he was wearing galluses— When we make a mistake we come out in the open and say so. But, if we find out that our first statement wasn't a mistake and that we have been misinformed and it was suspenders he was wearing instead of galluses as now represented, somebody had better look out. We are sharper than a serpent's tooth when we get riled up—and when we are fussed up we are worse than any woman that ever was scorned.

August 2, 1927.

Well, well, Salem is such a healthy town. And why shouldn't it be with a chap named Kaster running an oil station out on Twelfth Street? That Kaster oil station should be a fine place for sick cars.

February 2, 1928.

"It won't be long now," said grandma, as she climbed into the barber's chair.

March 13. 1928.

We give warning now, the next time we sneak up on a couple about to become entangled in the sweet snares of osculation, we aren't going to cough. We're afraid if we cough too often, we'll give our brand of cigarettes a bad name.

March 14. 1928.

Another friend told us yesterday laundry wagon drivers were figuring on a new motto for their wagons, "not a cuff in a carload."