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given to the military, not long after their ar- rival, fate introduced him to the daughter of Captain Mornington; and that heart which had withstood the ensnaring smiles of the brilliant and fashionable beauties of the gay metropolis of England, instantaneously of- fered up its devoted homage to the impre- suming, untitled loveliness of Eva Morning- ton. The most happy revolution was im- mediately conspicuous in his demeanour and disposition; and when, on the eve of the ever memorable battle of Waterloo, the fearful alarum bell summoned him to the execution of his duty, instead of welcom- ing it, as but a few weeks previous he would, as the herald of death, it struck on his appalled ear like: the knell of joy and delight most exquisite. It reached him in the splendid ball-room. encircling in the mazy waltz the fairy form of the blushing Eva; he had but time to strain her almost lifeless form to his heart, and, thrusting the small white glove which had covered