Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/331

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HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 271 1S18. is a large and flourishing Catholic sfhool, situated just outside of the city limits ; the school owns valuable land and has several large buildings. The population of the town is 1.708. There are two banks in the town with a combined capital of $35,000. The I'crry County Sun is a Democratic weekly, and The Republican is Republican in politics. LONGTOWN Longtown, a village in Perry county, was settled in 1860. The first residents were John Long, Emil Urban, Herman Punke, Valentine Bergmann, Frederick Schade and Oliver Abernathy. The place was incorporated in April, 1874, the first time and Valentine Bergmann was the first mayor. Emil Urban and Oliver Abernathy were the first merchants in the town. At the present time there are three general stores and one flouring mill. The toTi is situated on the Cape Girardeau & Chester Railroad and has a population of 158. Altenburg The town of Altenburg in Perry county, was founded in 1847, one of the first settlers being C. F. Walther. Shortly after the foiuid- ing of the town stores were opened by Zaeh- ariah Mueller, George Mueller and John Kuennell. The town was settled by Germans who were Lutherans, and shortly after the settlement was made they founded the college, whose history we have given in another place. A building was erected and this building is still in existence and steps have been taken to preserve it on account of its historic interest. The town was incorporated July 5, 1870, and Dr. E. E. Buenger was its first mayor. At the present time there are three general stores, a swing factory and a creamery. The financial interests are cared for by the Bank of Altenburg with a capital of .$10,000. The more im- portant buildings of the town are the high school and Lutheran church building. The present population is 279.