Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/39

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INDEX XXXIU Dawsou, Kobert I>., 96, 105, 154, 155, 23S, 265, 315, 402 Dawson, William, 96, 1066 Dav, .Jacob, S58 Deal, Henry J., 344, 552 Dean, William D., 1285 De Andreis. Father, 137, 448 Dearmont, W. S., 427, 428 Dearmnnt, Washington S., 563 Deck, Jacob il., 692 Deck, John, 178 Deckuith, Thomas. 11 Decyperi, 89 Deem, David B., 1128 DeFieJd, C. S., 1280 De Guire, Andrew, 64 De Guire, Baptiste, 64 De Guire, Paul, 64, 183 De Guire, Michael, 669 Delaroderie. Alphonse, 265, 266 De 'Lashmutt, Lindsay, 78 De Lashmutt, Van B.', 194 De Lassus, Camille, 115 De Lassus, Charles DeHault, 89, 95, 110 Delassus, Governor, 64, 72, 386 DeLassus, Leon, 270 DeLassus, Placide, 554 Delawares, 40, 41, 170 DeLisle Familv, 232 DeLisle, Alfonse, 1031 DeLisle, Alfred, 1286 DeLisle, Alphonso, 314 DeLisle, Charles A., 1161 DeLisle, Edward, 267 DeLisle, George, 1054 DeLisle, .James E., 1175 DeLisle, Jesse J., 1202 DeLisle, .lonah, 1162 Delorederi, Alphonso, 402 De Luziere, Pierre De Hault De Lassus, 62 "Democrat," 532, 539 ' ' Demoerat-Xews, ' ' 536 ' ' Democracy, ' ' 530 De Mun, Augustine, 154 Denman, Clint, 540 Denman, Harry, 540 Denman, Harry E., 1177 Denny, William, 79 De Reign, Albert, 1266 Des Arc, 298, 377 DesLoge, 384 DesLoge, Firmin, 557 ' ' DesLoge Sun, ' ' 541 De Soto, 1, 82, 133, 273, 514 De Soto's Adventures — Route, 14; timber, 15; first religious service, 16; the Capahas, 16; Quigate, 20 ; death, 21 ; exact route, 21 De Soto Congregational Church, 482 De Soto Episcopal Church, 482 "DeSoto Facts," 535 De Soto German M. E. Church, 483 DeSoto Home Guards, 342 "DeSoto Press," 535 Detchemcndy House, 401 Detchmendy, P., 150 "Deutscher Volks Freund, " 530 Dexter, 389, 526 Dexter Christian Church, 495 "Dexter Enterprise," 543 ' ' Dexter Messenger, ' ' 544 ' ' Dexter Statesman, ' ' 544 Dick, F. A., 243 Dickinson, J. J., 370 Dickinson, Lewis, 478 Diehlstadt, 379 Digges, T. H., 266 Digges, William L., 1038 Dill, A. R., 343 Dinkins, John T., 853 Dinning, Louis F., 1244 District of St. Louis, 49 Dittlinger, Michael, 341, 347, 409 D'Lashuutt, E., 262 Dodge, Augustus C, 253, 399 Dodge, Henry, 61, 171, 238, 399 Dodge, Israel, 66, 124, 197 Dodge, John, 124 Dodge, Josiah, 197 Dodge, Thomas. 66 Dodson, N. C., 349 Doerner, H. E., 95."j Doe Run, 387 Doe Run Presbyterian Church, 491 Doesselman, Charles, 480 Dohogne, Leo, 1253 Donaldson, Humphrey, 308 Donaldson, I. F., 882 Donaldson, Thomas F., 882 Doniphan, 292, 522 Doniphan, Alexander William, 292 ' ' Doniphan News, ' ' 539 "Doniphan Prospect," 539 "Doniphan Prospect-News," 539 "Doniphan Republican," 539 Doniphan 's Expedition, 300 Donnell, Thomas, 207 Donohoe, Thomas, 201 Dooley, A. J., 349 Doris, James H., 722 Dorris, Timothy, 1142 Dorsay, Samuel, 105 Dorsey, Richard, 270 Dougherty, .John, 307 Douglas, A. E., 426 Douglas, R. E., 536 Douglass, A. B., 308 Douglass, Alexander T., 570 Douglass, A. T., 307 Douglass. A. W., 996 Douglass, .lames M., 571 Douglass, R. H., 473, 474 Douglass, R. S. (Frontispiece) Douglass, Thomas J., 1015 Douthitt. Thomas. 495 Dowd. Thomas, 265 Dowdy, Robert A.. 1139 Downing, Ben R., 826 Downing, .Tames L., 927 Downing, John M., 1286 Downs, Thomas J., 735 Drainage, 360 Drainage Movements, 357 Drerup, John B., 1007 Dress, 195 Drum, T. B., 837 Drury, Amos L., 1267 Dubourg, 448 Dubourg, W. F.. 137