Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/408

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348 HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI regimental officers were colonel, Anthon Yer- ger; lieutenant colonel, C. C. Fletcher, and major, D. W. Bryant. The officers of the va- rious companies of this regiment were ^s follows : Company A, captain, John Williams ; lieutenants, John C. Powers, and R. W. Mc- Millin; Company B, captain, B. F. Butler; lieutenant, S. F. McGee ; Company C, lieu- tenants, Elbert Ogle, and R. M. Whitehead; Company D, captain, Eugene Annor, and lieutenants, George Martin and Xaver Koh- ler; Company E, captain, F. W. Fritter and lieutenant, J. J. McMillen; Company F, cap- tain, J. W. Sullens and lieutenants, Philip Edniglo and C. M. VanGordon; Company G, lieutenant, William C. Alford; Company 11, C. T. Edwards and lieutenant, Alfred Ste- wart; Company I, captain, F. D. Heaton and lieutenant, William Knapp ; Company K, captain, E. F, Donnell. Some of the companies of tlie Twenty-third Regiment of the Missouri Enrolled Militia were from Southeast Missouri also. The officers of these companies were as follows : Company B, captain, Joseph H. Vaughn and lieutenant, Ignaz Lutz; Company C, captain, J. H. Bridges, lieutenants, David Baker and William II. Bartlett; Company D, captain, Joseph M. Ayer ; Company E, captain, S. R. Hoglan ; Company F, captain, George W. Hutson ; Company H, captain, Robert L. Bush. The Twenty-third Regiment was raised principally in Iron county, its regimental of- ficers were, colonel, James Lindsay, and after- ward W^. T. Leeper ; lieutenant colonel, J. S. McMurtry; major, Warren E. Peck. The company officers were. Company A, captain, Martin G. Foster and lieutenant, Robert N. Spaugh ; Company B, captain, W. Ake ; Com- pany C, captain, James G. Rauft ; Company D, captain. William Russell ; Company E, captain, John G. Imboden ; company F, cap- tain, D. E. Eddington; Company G, captain, Jacob Granthorn; Company H, captain, W. F. Mitchell, and lieutenants, Eli D. Ake and George Spitzmiller; Company I, lieutenant, Henry Schwan. The Thirty-ninth Regiment of Missouri Enrolled Militia was raised principally in Cape Girardeau county ; G. C. Thilenius was colonel, and another of the regimental officers was Patrick Gilroy. Company A of this regi- ment was commanded by Adolpli Tacke, the organization of this regiment was never completed. A regiment was also begun to be formed in Bollinger countj' and was known as the Eighty-third Battalion. It was never com- pleted; the company officers were: of Com- pany A, captain, James Rogers and lieuten- ants, Levi M. Lincoln and H. F. Rhodes; Company B, captain, Enoch Virgin, and lieu- tenants, S. J. Leesley and John A. Barks Company C, captain, James G. Woodfin lieutenants, Jonathan Couch and John Bess Company D, captain, Erich Pape; lieuten- ants, Henry Samuels and James W. Stepp ; Company E, captain, F. E. Witener, and lieu- tenant, John C. Krimminger; Company P, captain, W. A. Dunlap; lieutenants, Henry Yount and Jacob J. Conrad ; Company G, captain, Andrew J. Horth. Confederate Organizations Before the war began a company of militia was organized at Cape Girardeau under com- mand of Samuel J. Ward. This company was known as IL'irble City Guards. In the spring of 1861 after President Lincoln had made a call for troops, the ]Iarble City Guards were divided. The organization contained in its ranks sympathizers with the South and men whose sympathies were with the North. The