Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/433

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HISTORY OF SOUTHEAST MISSOURI 373 Ellsinore The largest town in Carter county is Ellsi- nore which has a population of 813. It is in the eastern part of the county on the Frisco Railroad. It is the site of some large mills, has about twenty business establishments, and is growing rapidly. The Bank of Ellsinore was chartered in 1907, and has a capital of 110,000. The public school is in good con- dition. Grandin Grandin in Carter county, was at one time the most important saw-mill town in the state. Here were very large mills employing about 2,000 men, and cutting enormous quantities of lumber. The town was owned by the mill company which made extensive public im- provements. With the decline in the timber interests, the town lost something of its im- portance. Its population is about 600. It has a school, six stores, three churches, side- walks, electric lights, and is situated on the Frisco Railroad and Little Black river. Hunter Hunter, a mill town in Carter county, is suiiported largely bj' timber interests. It has a population of 710 and is a rapidly grow- ing and thriving town. It is on the Frisco Railroad, has fifteen business establishments and a public school. Pocahontas The first settlement at Pocahontas, Cape Girardeau county, was made before the war, liut the town was not incorporated until 1893. at which time John Bonney was elected mayor. Among its early settlers were Rob- ert Baldridge, Robert McNeely, and John Bonney. The first merchants were Robert McNeely and Samuel M. Green; Mr. Green afterwards removed to Cape Girardeau where he is now a practicing lawyer. There are three general stores and one flour mill. The town was iinfortunate in its relation to the railroad. When the Cape Girardeau & Chester Railroad was built north from Jack- son, it passed about one and three-quarter miles from Pocahontas. This has handicapped the town to a certain extent. Still it has con- tinued to grow. Its popiilation now is 239. Allenville The town of Allenville in Cape Girai'deau county is situated at the junction of the Jack- son branch of the Belmont branch of the Iron Mountain Railroad and was laid out as a town in 1869, the first mayor being H. C. Hinton. There are now three general stores in the town and some other minor business establish- ments. The population is 257. Whitewater The town of Whitewater is situated on the Belmont branch of the Iron ^Mountain Rail- road in Cape Girardeau county. It was first settled as a town in 1866. Among its early settlers were William Devore, John Albert, William Steel, William and Thomas Wheeler, Dr. Dodson, Martin Lawrent, F. H. Stecker, Ur. S. M. McAnally, Miles Ax and P. X. O 'Brien. The town was not incorporated un- til 1898, and its first mayor was P. N. O'Brien. Among the early merchants were Shell & Albert, Miles Ax, S. M. McAnally and P. N. O'Brien. There are now four general stores in the town. Besides these there is a riour mill, a saw mill and a mill devoted to the manufacture of butcher blocks. The Bank of Whitewater, with a capital of $10,000 supplies the financial wants of the citizens. The town is situated in a good farming community and is prosperous. It has a population of 250.