Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/44

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INDEX HighfiU. Charles W., 998 Higlifill, Sailie E., 998 HU'lebraml, .Tolui, 64, 124 Hildebrand, Samuel S., 550 Hilgert, John J. A., 899 Hill, Alonzo D., 1255 Hillsboro, 275 Himmelberger, .Tohn H.. (i4(i Hiinlnian, Emma P., H79 HiiKlman, James JI., 879 •Hinriehs, Belle C, 1163 Hinrichs, Charles F., 1162 Hitfhcoi-k. Ethan Allen, 274 Hitt. Benjamin, 199 Hitt, Wiliiam, 199 Hodges, Thomas L., 859 Hoilgmeiller, .Tames, ,S44 Hoft'mann, August W., 1145 Hogan, Edmund, 162 Hogan, Peter, .S4.3 Hogue, John A,, 982 Hdlijert. James, 302 Holbrook, F. M., 477 Holeomb, 376 Holcomb, Lewis, ,S07, 310 Holden, Edwanl M., 402 Holland, 382 Holland, James H., 1114 Holley, Ulysses G., 1257 Holliday-Klotz Land and HoUidav Land & Lumber Hollidav, Sailie H., 419 Holliman, A. W„ 317 Hollisler, Edward. 208 Holly, W. X., 960 Home of Our Fathers (view). Honey, .Tohn, 65 Hoos.' Thomas, 343 Hopewell Baptist Churcli, Hopkins, Joseph A., 303 Hopper, Gillum M., 950 Horine, Thomas iL, 300 Horner, John J., 948 Horner, Russell, 307 Horner, William B., 889 Horner, William H„ 287, Hornersville, 287 ' ' Hornersville Courier, ' Hornsbv, .T, C, 477 Horrell^ B. M„ 2.56, 319 . Horrell, Thomas, 481 Hoskins, .Tohn, 290 Hoskins, Thomas L„ 1204 Hostetler, Henrv S., 986 Houek, Louis, 78, 259, 422. 428, 434, 5i]l, 503 Houck's Missouri & Arkansas Eailroad, 502 Hough, Harrison, 312, 315, 498 House, Adam, 65 Houses of Louis ' Boulduf and Louis (iiiilinurd, Ste. Genevieve (views), 57 House 's Spring, 65, 378 Houston, Hiram J., 891 Houston, John S., 284 Houston, Joseph S., 310 Houston, W. H., 981 Houts, Christopher G., 238, Houts, James, 303 Houts, John, 290 Howard, William N., 685 Lumber Comjiany, 507 Company, 272 126 476 307 287 548 262. 291 Hulibard, Charles T., 911 Hubbard, Jliehael, 286 Hubbard, Robert G., 940 Hubbard, Walter M.. 922 Hubbard. William W., 697 Hubbell Creek, 79 Hubbell, Ithamar, 79 Hubble 's Mill, 161 Hudspeth, Ayers, 311 Huebner, John H., 1188 Huff, Henderson, 293 Huffman, .Tesse D., 892 Huffman, Samuel, 462 Hug, Stejdien, 909 Hughes, A., 476 Hughes, Benjamin H., 666 Hulser, H. M., 342 Humboldt Literary Society, 430 Hummel, John A., 1054 Humphreys, Joshua, 164 Hunot, Joseph, 115 Hunter, 373 Hunter, Abraham. lOS. 303 Hunter, Albert B., 1079 Hunter & Mathewson, 266 Hunter & Watson, 265 Hunter. Eva P., 1249 Hunter, Ben. F., 292 Hunter, David, 291 Hunter, E. ('., 895 Hunter, J. H., 349 Hunter, Joseph, 108, 153. 154, 179, 290, 553 Hunter, Lewis F., 1249 Hunter, Mary, 78 Hunter, Shapley R., Jr.. 1055 Hunting, 1S7 Hurley, Muses, 108. 165 Huskev. Ti.omas, 732 ' ' Hustler, ' ' 537, 539 Hutehings, John, 238 Hux. William J., 1121 Illinois, 24 Illinois, Missouri & Texas Railway Company, 501 Illinois Southern Railroad, 508 Illmo, 388 "Illmo Headlight," 543 Impeaehment Proceeding, 155 ' ' Independent, ' ' 534. .541 "Independent Patriot," 192, 529 Indian Grove Sediool, 288, 410 Indian Agriculture, 36 Indian Moccasin. 38 Indian Mound (view), 4 Indian Plates, 11 Indian Relics, 11 Indian Roads, 82 Indian Trade, 27, 33 In<lian Wars, 170 Indians, 9, 150, 170 Indians — Trade with, 33; tribes, 34; agriculture, 36; houses of the Osages, 36; women, 36; weapons, 37 ; knowledge of the stars, 37 ; pipe, clothing and Indian moccasin, :'>8 ; government of the Osages, 38; witchcraft, 43 Industries, 180 Industries — Farming, 444; trade, 445; mining inter- ests, 446 fn the Bonne Terre Lead Mining District (view), 385